The Amish are a religious sect of Christianity that has made a big impact on American culture. Though they appear to hold opposite values than most Americans, they still seem to embody the American spirit of independence, individuality and religious freedom. The Anabaptists The roots of the Amish sect come from a religious group in Europe known as the Anabaptists. At the time of the Protestant Revolution, the Anabaptists split off from the rest of Protestantism with … [Read more...]
Paranormal Activity on Old Battlefields
Whether you are interested in becoming a paranormal investigator or just curious about ghosts, the battlefield is a great place to start your paranormal investigation. The Civil War generated over 10,000 skirmishes, which led to the development of over 380 principal battlefields in the United States. Harboring much death and destruction, many people believe these battlefields to be haunted by the souls of dead soldiers. The battlegrounds with the most casualties are … [Read more...]
4 Signs You Are Dating A Toxic Man
Dating a toxic man for too long can really mess you up in future relationships. Most toxic men are very good at what they do and it doesn't take long to convince you to see things their way. This article outlines 4 signs that you are dating a toxic man. One: He belittles your feelings Everyone’s feelings matter. It doesn't matter if someone else doesn't understand why you are happy or sad or upset, you are entitled to your feelings. If the man you're dating tells … [Read more...]
Judaism: The Religion Founded On A Contract
The philosophical and ethical tenets of Judaism have served as the foundation for much of Western civilization. Yet, many people – including those with Jewish ancestry – are unaware of the history of the Jewish people and religion. The “official” start of Judaism occurred approximately 2000 years before the birth of Christ, when Abraham entered into a contractual relationship with God. Abraham lived in the land of Canaan (the region now known … [Read more...]
Fantasy Football for Newbies
Fantasy football has become very popular in the last couple of years. Hardcore football fans and casual NFL observers are all getting involved in fantasy football. Not only is it fun, but it is a chance to bond with other people who share a common interest. You may think fantasy football is only for serious football fans. It isn't. Fantasy football has an important social component. With it you can: Bond with friends and co-workers who play fantasy football by joining … [Read more...]