Every year the gay community and their supporters celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and the beginning of the gay rights movement. The community gathers to celebrate the most recent accomplishments and to take a moment to pause and recall those who called themselves gay and worked towards equality against often cruel repression and persecution. It was the altruistic acts and sacrifices of generations of gay individuals that blazed a trail allowing other … [Read more...]
Sinkholes: Causes and Dangers
Media reports of sinkholes swallowing up buildings and cars have caught the attention of people around the country. Many may wonder what causes this natural phenomenon and whether they are at risk for having these sinkholes develop in their area of the country. Some factual information on sinkholes can help to allay fears and clarify the information. What Are Sinkholes? Sinkholes are depressions that occur underground that eventually open up on the ground’s … [Read more...]
Reasons He Never Called You After the First Date
You hate first dates. The worst first dates are the ones that go extremely well, and then guy pulls a disappearing act and you never hear from him again. Since the actual date was successful, you have no idea what went wrong. Perhaps, he lost your number, you think to yourself. However, that is not likely, especially since he has your work email too and still hasn’t reached out. Even though you may never get down to the specific reason why he disappeared into thin air, … [Read more...]
What Is the Thirteenth Sign and What Does It Mean in a Natal Chart?
If you have even a passing interest in astrology, you may have heard of the 'thirteenth sign'. Embraced by some astrologers and debunked by others, it has certainly caused a stir in astrological circles. Whether or not it should be included in a chart reading is entirely up to the individual astrologer and his or her client Astrology is traditionally based on the twelve signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, … [Read more...]
Coyotes – Why Are They Becoming So Common?
Long considered an icon of the American Southwest, the coyote is now a wildlife resident of most rural towns and urban areas. Why has this particular animal been able to thrive at the same time human development threatens so many other native species? A look at the coyote's natural evolutionary advantages tells an interesting story of wildlife in modern society. Coyote Background Coyotes are part of the Canis designation of mammals, the same category as wolves, dogs … [Read more...]