Internet Category

In the Internet section we provide articles to assist you in getting more from one of the greatest developments in technology since television. The Internet is proving to be not only a powerful force in society and culture but commerce as well. A basic understanding of the Internet has nearly become mandatory for everyone. Enjoy

Other Things You Can Do On The Internet

It is surprising how many people use the Internet in only one or two ways. Maybe they only use it for email, or to check local weather or TV shows. And, of course, everyone knows one of the popular uses of the Internet, which is to, eh, check out photos and, ah, certain types of movies. Believe it or not, there are many other uses for the Internet. No matter how much the internet has changed our day-to-day lives people still spend hours mindlessly surfing and … [Read more...]

Buying A Domain Name To Use As An Email Address

Internet domains are much cheaper to buy than most people think, so they don’t have to be used for web pages – they can also be used for email only. Using a domain in this way provides the opportunity to have a much more personalised and easy to remember email addresses, and can also help to control junk email. The attraction of buying a domain for email use is that you can get a memorable and distict email address, like, rather than an anonymous … [Read more...]