Fantasy football has become very popular in the last couple of years. Hardcore football fans and casual NFL observers are all getting involved in fantasy football. Not only is it fun, but it is a chance to bond with other people who share a common interest. You may think fantasy football is only for serious football fans. It isn't. Fantasy football has an important social component. With it you can: Bond with friends and co-workers who play fantasy football by joining … [Read more...]
Who Doesn’t Know How Birth Control Works? (Apparently, Lots of Men)
You would think as important as sex is to most men that they would spend time to become experts in birth control. Unfortunately, for many men (if not most) that is not the case. After sex education classes in school, dozens of racy articles in men’s health magazines and years of real-world experience, many men are still profoundly mixed up about how birth control works. Being mixed up comes with serious consequences – such as making a woman pregnant when you … [Read more...]
The Rise of the Mobile Quarterbacks
Mobile quarterbacks have always been a popular topic of conversation among NFL analysts and fans. The potential duel threat of a quarterback who could as easily run the ball for ten yards as throw it for ten has always been tantalizing. In college mobile quarterbacks have led many teams to championships. For a variety of reasons, however, most of these quarterbacks failed to work out once they reached the NFL level. Defenders are faster in the NFL and able to close … [Read more...]