Health, Medical And Wellness Category

n this selection we provide articles that explore the topics of health and wellness, both traditional medical and alternative health.

An Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy takes an entirely holistic approach in the prevention and cure of numerous types of physical ailments. Craniosacral therapy is steadily gaining ground as a popular alternative method. Many people prefer alternative medicine over conventional means of health care where pain killers are almost always prescribed, if not surgery that requires long recovery periods. One major area of concern is the non-inclusion of majority of holistic care therapies … [Read more...]

Hot Weather Illnesses: Know the Symptoms and Protect Yourself!

Summer’s hot temperatures offer special dangers for those who work or play outdoors. Extended periods of time in the mid-day heat can cause severe dehydration, heat stroke and even death. Even if you are accustomed to being outdoors in the heat, you should be alert to symptoms of overheating and be prepared to go indoors and apply the remedies. Failure to do so could mean an extended stay in the hospital or worse. Understanding Dehydration The human body … [Read more...]

25 Herbs And Their Health Benefits

The benefits of herbs has been reported for years. In fact, herbal treatment is something that goes back to ancient times, but it is also becoming more and more popular in modern times as the cost of medications soar and the side effects of many medications are often disturbing. Increasingly, people are more interested in healthy eating, and healthy eating usually lends its self to understanding the health benefit of herbs and an exploration of herbal treatments used … [Read more...]

Common Herbs and Their Dangerous Drug Interactions

Most people think that because herbs are natural, they must be safe. For long, many herbs have been touted as natural cures for various ailments or for their abilities to enhance general wellbeing. That is, however, not the case. Herbal products and supplements are not as stringently controlled, nor have they had a lot of research done on them, so the effects that they have on people who are on prescribed or over-the-counter drugs are not well known. Manufacturers are … [Read more...]

Beginner’s Meditation Tips: A Fidgeter’s Guide

These simple tips can get a meditation practice going The first time you join a sitting meditation group, you may be joyful at the prospect of being there, but feel a bit awkward. Know that as a beginner, there are just two things you will likely struggle with at your first sitting meditation: sitting, and meditation. You may not be able to sit still despite concerted effort. You may get something of a yoga workout changing positions to find comfort. Perhaps … [Read more...]