How Motorcycle Riders Can Save on Insurance

Just like anyone who owns a car, motorcyclists are always looking for ways to save on their motorcycle insurance rates. With the cost of gas, many people have looked to buying a motorcycle as means to save on travel and/or commuting costs (not to mention riding a cycle is much more fun). If you are going to own and ride a motorcycle getting motorcycle insurance is a must. It is fine to look at trimming non-essential coverage from their motorcycle insurance policy. … [Read more...]

Auto Leasing Terminology

In order to get a good leasing deal, you need to understand leasing jargon. Read through this leasing glossary to get an overview of the basics: Acquisition fee: A fee charged by a leasing company to begin a lease. Not all leasing companies charge an acquisition fee but if charge it starts at about $300 and is seldom negotiable. Capitalized cost: The total selling price of the leased vehicle This also accounts for taxes, title, license fees, acquisition fee … [Read more...]