Feeling stressed and anxious? No wonder. You have a "to do" list that never seems to get shorter and too little time to do everything. Stress manifests in a number of ways: headaches, vague aches and pains, sleep problems, general jitteriness, headaches, difficulty sleeping and upset stomach, to name a few. Deal with stress on a too frequent basis and you'll end up with health problems like high blood pressure or heart disease. When stress strikes, don't relegate … [Read more...]
Yoga, Reiki & Meditation Articles
Beginner’s Meditation Tips: A Fidgeter’s Guide
These simple tips can get a meditation practice going The first time you join a sitting meditation group, you may be joyful at the prospect of being there, but feel a bit awkward. Know that as a beginner, there are just two things you will likely struggle with at your first sitting meditation: sitting, and meditation. You may not be able to sit still despite concerted effort. You may get something of a yoga workout changing positions to find comfort. Perhaps … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Yoga for Children
Young children have a natural flexibility and enjoyment for life that is perfectly suited to yoga. The gentle and non-competitive nature of yoga makes this form of exercise relevant for all age groups and fitness levels. In particular, yoga teaches young children certain values and skills that can be carried through life. The day to day life of a child might not appear stressful from an adult point of view. Nevertheless, children do experience their fair share of … [Read more...]
Origins of Yoga
Today’s society is much faster paced that ever before. There are more concerns with toxicity in the food we eat and the air we breathe. People have more stress problems which lead to more health problems, mental and physical. We are also seeing more and more young people struggling with fitness and health issues that previous generations did not experience. Millions of Americans today live a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with obesity. The body was … [Read more...]