How to Make an Infographics Free

Infographics are all over the Web. They have become popular lately, because they are such a convenient way to display in a visually attractive way what might otherwise be boring data. Making an infographic is relatively easy to do. Once you learn the different steps, the task becomes pretty much routine. The important thing to keep in mind with infographics is that they need to present data in a straightforward way that anyone can understand. The following tips will get you started. You too can create a professional looking infographic, even if you aren’t an experienced graphic designer.

Step 1: Collect The Data You Need For The Infographic

The first step in making an infographic is to collect data about topic of your infographic. If you don’t have data that you collected yourself, you can use third-party data. Check out any fun free surveys that were taken recently. They might have gathered interesting data that you can use in your infographic. Also check out the websites of national or international statistical services. These organizations regularly publish surveys on a wide variety of subjects, such as the Internet, leisure, or careers. Remember to declare the source of the information in your infographic. Not only is it the right thing to do, it will also make your infographic look more professional.

Step 2: Choose Template

The next step is to choose a template. There are many websites that offer free templates. Templates are ideal, especially if you don’t have much experience with graphic design. Take a look at or Both websites let you make your own infographic based on your needs. Basic templates are free, but if you would like to have more options, you can pay for more advanced templates. If you are new to making infographics, you can practice on the free templates until you get the hang of it. It is important to choose a template that fits with the data you would like to present.

If you don’t like these options you can try experimenting with,
registration is required, but the options for creating infographics is impressive. Also, if you want to work offline, PowerPoint is capable of making very acceptable infographics you can use. If you happen to work in an office ask around if someone there works with PowerPoint. Likely they will be able to show you how to make infographics yourself in less than 15 minutes (make sure you take some notes).

The methodology for creating infographics is very similar between the free online services and, to some degree, with PowerPoint. Once you get the hang of making graphics you will be surprised how quick and easy it is to generate eye-popping graphics, and even headers, when you need them.

Step 3: Be Artistic With Your Infographic

Before your infographic is ready to share with your public you will need to style it up. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colors and fonts. A bit of artist flare can go a long way towards making you infographic not just informative, but popular. Change the font size or type to give your infographic a unique look or to give it the gloss of your house style. Use colors and fonts that complement each other. If your infographic is too colorful or busy, the information will be much harder to read. Check out the website COLOURlovers for inspiration on complementing palettes. Click on a color you like, and you will be brought to a page that displays the hexadecimal and RGB value for that color. You can copy and paste the color codes into programs like MS Office.

Step 4: Final Touches and Precautions

Once you are happy with your infographic, you are ready to publish it on your blog, Facebook page, website or use it anywhere graphics can be loaded and displayed. Because infographics are popular items for social sharing, someone else might try and steal you graphic for their own uses. Yes, this is questionable conduct, but some people really struggle with being creative on their own. They may even try take the credit for your work. You can avoid this by adding your name and/or business logo and/or your website address to the infographic before publishing. If it is at all possible, try and put a copyright notification on your website or blog to alert visitors that the infographics you’ve created are NOT free to take.

This article contains all you need to make quality infographics yourself. All you need to do is take a little time and go experiment doing so. For a beginner, plan to spend an hour of so to get familiar with the ins-and-outs of making a graphic. Focus on having fun. Do not be in a rush. With an hour or two of practice you’ll be able to make all the graphics you want for a lifetime.

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