What Is Hanukkah

Hanukkah is a holiday that is celebrated by Jewish people during the winter season. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated for eight subsequent nights. The dates of the holiday vary by year, as the Jewish year is governed by the lunar (versus solar) calendar. The holiday usually takes place sometime during the month of December. One of the most important traditions of Hanukkah is the lighting of the menorah. Each night, another candle is light until all nine … [Read more...]

Advantage Of Using Graphics On Your Web Pages

If you are not making use of photos and graphics in your web pages, you need to take a serious look at the possible benefits available. The use of pictorial elements (photos, charts, graphs, etc) is of great importance and offers the potential to bolster your site in a variety of ways. Graphics Improve The Look Of Your Web Pages From an aesthetic standpoint, the use of graphics will improve the overall look of a page. Pictorial elements can be strategically placed … [Read more...]

Coming Out To Family And Friends

You’ve come to terms with your sexuality, but you are afraid that your family and your friends will reject you. It could be that your family and friends are religious and feel strongly about what they will refer to as your “decision” or “lifestyle”. It might be that the your friends and family will attach social stigmas to your revelation. Before you come out, there are some things to keep in mind that will make the process of coming out and being out easier for you, for … [Read more...]