According to the Bible, angels serve as intermediaries between God and humans. They are often referred to in scripture as messengers with the ability to intervene in human lives. In a recent survey conducted by Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion, approximately one in five adults say they believe they have been protected by a guardian angel at some point in their lives even though they do not consider themselves to be religious. It seems that belief in these heavenly beings is not limited to certain religions, cultures, regions of the world or educational status. People are fascinated by angels and believe that these spiritual beings can and do play an active role in their lives.
Psalm 91 refers to angels as physical guardians: "For he will command angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." People who say they have had an encounter with an angel explain that angels do not necessarily appear to them as beings in white robes with wings but rather as someone who has gone before them. These encounters do not elicit fear, but instill a sense of peace in the recipient. Many who have experienced angels in their lives believe that miracles are not limited to biblical times but still happen today on a regular basis.
Those who believe in angels insist that everyone has a guardian angel that has been assigned to watch over and protect them. A spiritual being is assigned to assist people on Earth and may be in charge of providing protection and guidance to one or several people at one time. Their primary purpose is to intervene when necessary to make certain that lives run smoothly. Their presence is usually not apparent and the person’s well-being is sometimes attributed to luck or fate.
Angels want to communicate with people and are willing to listen, but busy lives prevent most people from receiving subtle messages that are meant to help with everyday living. Even those who have experienced encounters with angels do not realize that they must ask questions in a clear concise manner in order to receive an answer. Angels are always there and want to help those who ask with sincerity.
Approximately forty-six percent of those surveyed in a recent poll conducted by Time Magazine believe their own personal guardian angel protects them even though there is no scientific evidence that angels even exist. The stories from the Bible and long-standing religious traditions provide the only "proof" that angels ever existed or interacted with humans on Earth. In spite of the lack of tangible evidence, those who have experienced an encounter with an angel believe that these spiritual beings have a profound effect on their lives.
Some people question why angels do not always respond to pleas for assistance and why they sometimes feel abandoned and alone.
An angel’s purpose is to intervene and give support to an individual after a person attempts to work things out without assistance. They are there to offer loving comfort to those in need. Meditation is one method of connecting with angels and feeling their presence. The idea that guardian angels are real beings is very subjective because their existence cannot be proved or disproved. Those who have experienced angelic encounters determine their own sense of reality.Should you want a personal angel reading, give Psychic Serenity is a gifted clairvoyant who understands angels are real. Give her a call at 1-866-407-7164 (toll free USA and Canada).
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