This page is the the continuation of About Us – Page 1
We generally do not allow affiliate links in articles.
Instead, we may add a link to a related resource on a topic.
We do not allow comments or judgments like ‘likes’ on articles.
Too often in the first, failed article’s directory we found what people wanted to do was add links to their web site to promote themselves. Some people even seemed to use automated software that spammed comments just so they could add a link … no real person ever read the article. The tragic misuse of the ‘comments’ feature forced us to just abandon the idea. We don’t have the staff to police every comment entry. As to those ‘likes’ and such features, we had more than a dozen people approach use to sell us a whole bunch of ‘likes’ so we would be more ‘liked’. We are not that desperate to be liked … the ill-tempered, iron skinned boss certainly doesn’t care. We offer you this deal: If you enjoy our articles, come back some time! We will honor your good taste and intelligence by producing additional articles.
We wanted to provide instant access to experts in various fields so you could get expert answers if needed.
To this end, we teamed up with LivePerson and ExpertLink so visitors could make direct contact with experts as needed. In the spirit of full disclosure, we do collect a small fee for those who decide to utilize these services. We felt this a superior way to collect revenue rather than asking for donations or use other nefarious means to generate revenue. We do not anyway endorse any of the experts or their advice. That arrangement is between you, the experts and the service they work for. However, we do use some of these experts ourselves and find the services highly useful (and even pretty fun). Hopefully, we can expand this feature in the future in order to provide greater access to expert help (and keep buying articles, keep the server up and continue to pay the hard working, dedicated staff).
However, if it does, that would be cool. Stranger things have happened. We like fun-loving, peace-loving, intelligent, curious and crazy people who just want to learn a little something about something … or at least the general staff likes those kind of folks. The owner is rather an eccentric living on the edge of civilization and typical prefers the company of blue jays, trees, coastal fog and bobcats to people. Oddly, what he also believes is that it is important that we share our culture, knowledge and ideas. It is the only way we can share our humanity and make intelligent choices. We can only do what we know how to do. We can only be as good as we know how to be. Continuing to learn is vital to becoming better.
So, this articles directory is just another giant, country bulletin board you can come and browse now and then to learn something new and useful. At least, that is the humble plan.