5 Android Apps for Couples

There are plenty of apps that can be used by couples to share information, but the app market also contains lots of other options. This article looks at five Android apps your partner and you can use to improve your relationship, to help solve issues, or just for fun.


Many modern, tech-friendly couples share a large number of private — and even intimate — pictures. But with so many public phone hacking scandals in the news and personal images appearing everywhere online without their owners’ consent, you want to keep your private stuff private. That’s where 2gether comes in.

2gether allows you to secure your shared pictures. Nobody has access to them except you. The app does not include a contact list, removing any risk of sending your private photos to anyone by mistake. In terms of features, the app provides the ability to apply a variety of filters and effects to your photos, similar to those available on Instagram. This is an Android app that is strongly recommended for all couples, whether you are particularly worried about your privacy or not — better safe than sorry!

Couple Tracker

For couples who are working on trust issues, Couple Tracker is a great choice. In essence, this app lets you monitor your partner’s activities, by accessing their call history, text messages and GPS location, among other things. It also interfaces with social networking sites such as Facebook, so you can get access to your significant other’s chat messages and statistics.

While that may sound invasive, the app only works when your devices are connected to each other through Couple Tracker. In other words, your partner must agree to connect their account to yours, which prevents any form of surreptitious spying. By enforcing mutual consent, this Android app ensures it is only used to work openly together on trust issues.


For busy couples who love to stay in touch, Couple is a great choice. This Android app offers a variety of useful tools to keep you and your partner closer together, no matter what you’re doing or where you are.

As well as providing the expected sharing for images, video and audio recordings, stickers and to-do lists, Couple allows you to do a lot of things simultaneously, as a couple. For example, you can play games or draw pictures together even if you are miles apart. The app also allows you to synchronize your lists, which is great for activities such as grocery shopping, to avoid buying the same items twice! Couple is a useful app for lovers everywhere, and especially for those who are at separate jobs for most of the day or in a long-distance relationship.


Kahnoodle is a great app for forgetful people. It is designed to remind you of anniversaries and other important events, as well as using your location to provide ideas for local dates and special occasions. The app also includes a wish list function, so that you can keep track of activities that you would like to do as a couple. On top of this, the app lets you send rewards for things your partner does for you, just as a way to thank them for their attention!


Tokii is an Android app that helps you gain a better understanding of — and more enjoyment from — your relationship. The app provides you with relationship advice so that both you and your partner can improve yourselves and make the most of your relationship.

The app also provides a "Moodmeter" which allows you to display your feelings and see how your partner is feeling. This is a very useful app for people who are new to relationships, or who want to breathe life back into a long-term partnership by learning more about what makes relationships work.

Want to create your own apps? Check out Mobile App Maker.

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