Purple Rain (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) – PrinceNovember 21st, 1984 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Soundtrack Released: 1984 Customer Ratings (526 Ratings)
Purple Rain (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) – PrinceView More By Prince Our ReviewA stone cold masterpiece by any reckoning, Purple Rain is one of those rare albums that managed to be as commercially successful as it was artistically innovative. Released in the wake of the breakthrough success of 1999, Prince designed Purple Rain as a commercial blockbuster, but he didn't let his attempts to woo mainstream pop listeners interfere with his unbridled musical dynamism and irrepressible lyrical eccentricity. Prince’s prodigious talents as a producer, musician and arranger are hardly unique in pop music — Leon Ware, Sly Stone, and Todd Rundgren were similarly inclined jacks of all trades — but unlike those artists Prince was able to express his musical vision while maintaining an uncanny understanding of the demands of the music buying public. He opens Purple Rain with the deliriously cathartic electric gospel roar of “Let’s Go Crazy” only to segue into the impeccably arranged psychedelic pop of “Take Me With You,” flaunting his talents to be sure, but also applying lessons learned from the success of the eclectic 1999 and catering to every imaginable musical demographic. From the innovative ballad “When Doves Cry” to the stately swan song of the title track Purple Rain is a machine-tooled triumph that deserves to be ranked amongst the finest pop albums of the twentieth century.. Customer ReviewsWhat a Great Half-Time Show (5 stars)I came check this out on the day after the Supter Bowl and I had to laugh. There was only one review. I just Ignored it and downloaded the songs I wanted. I have to say however, that I believe that Prince's half - time performance is what has placed his album at #16 now, as well as driven the 23 people (including me) to post a review of this 23 year old album. If he would have put on a mediocre show people would not be reacting so posi the soundtrack of 1984 (5 stars) I remember where I was and what I was doing the very first time I heard "When Doves Cry." I couldn't believe how tight the harmonies were, the tone of the guitar, the lack of bass. As odd as it was it was a major hit. Even my little sister bought the purple 45. It is one of those timeless recordings that you can still put on and listen to without feeling embarrased. Prince did an amazing job on this project. From the hard grind This is one of the best soundtracks of all time (5 stars) Till this day I can listen to this soundtrack and enjoy it just as much as the first time. Prince is a amazing musican and entertainer. I love how this album of only 9 songs can make such a definitive statement. It just goes to show that when it comes to good music its about quality not quantity.
View More By Prince
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