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Sean Anderson partners with his mom's husband on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island.
Release Year: 2012 Rating: 6.1/10 (5,527 voted) Critic's Score: 41/100 Director:
Brad Peyton Stars: Josh Hutcherson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine Storyline Sean Anderson partners with his mom's husband on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island.
Writers: Brian Gunn, Mark Gunn Cast:
Dwayne Johnson
Michael Caine
Josh Hutcherson
Vanessa Hudgens
Luis Guzmán
Kristin Davis
Anna Colwell
Stephen Caudill
Branscombe Richmond
Tour Guide
Walter Bankson
Hockey Player
Believe the impossible. Discover the incredible.
Official Website:
Official site |
Release Date: 10 February 2012 Filming Locations: Hawaii, USA
Box Office Details
Budget: $79,000,000
(estimated) Opening Weekend: $2,002,193
(22 January 2012)
(351 Screens) Gross: $59,050,451
(19 February 2012)
Did You Know?
Michael Caine searches for Captain Nemo's Nautilus submarine through the latter half of this movie - in the 1997 remake of
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Michael Caine played Captain Nemo.
Factual errors:
Helicopter pilots fly from the right seat, not the left as shown in this movie.
[to Sean]
Pop your pecs.
User Review
Entertaining film for the family and nothing more
Rating: 6/10
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island is the 'sequel' of Journey to the
Centre of Earth (starring Brendan Fraser). Actually, I really don't
know why they consider it a sequel because the story is completely
different the only similarities are the author of the books in which
the films were based on (Jules Verne) and the character of Sean
Anderson that appears in both movies. I also found interesting that
many people didn't know it was related to the other movie.
What we have here is a film that follows the same scheme of its
predecessor a lot of CGI and 3D effects, amazing and colorful
scenarios, silly humor and nothing more. Journey 2 is a movie for all
ages - specially the kids - so don't expect violent sequences or sex
scenes with your favorite stars.
The plot is traditional and there is obviously those parallel stories -
like the boy Sean(Josh Hutcherson) who falls in love with the charming
Khailani (Vanessa Hudgens) and his relationship with his mother's
boyfriend, Hank played by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson who shows us that
the 'tough guys' can also be funny, charismatic and do movies that they
don't have to kill a hundred people.
So, are you thinking about taking your kids to the movies? Well, take
them to watch Journey 2: The Mysterious Island - they will be thrilled
by it.
But, even if you don't have any kids, watch it. Who said that adults
have only to watch serious and artistic movies? Sometimes a little bit
of unpretentious fun is necessary in life - and this movie provides it
(at least for me it did).
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