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Catch .44

January 5th, 2012

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Catch .44

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Still of Shea Whigham in Catch .44Still of Michelle Rodriguez and Deborah Ann Woll in Catch .44Still of Bruce Willis in Catch .44Still of Michael Rosenbaum in Catch .44Still of Forest Whitaker in Catch .44Still of Nikki Reed in Catch .44

For Tes (Akerman) and her two cohorts Kara (Nikki Reed) and Dawn (Deborah Ann Woll), the job sounded...

Release Year: 2011

Rating: 4.8/10 (5,890 voted)

Director: Aaron Harvey

Stars: Malin Akerman, Reila Aphrodite, Kevin Beard

For Tes (Akerman) and her two cohorts Kara (Nikki Reed) and Dawn (Deborah Ann Woll), the job sounded simple enough: intercept a double-cross drug shipment for their crime boss Mel (Willis) at an isolated diner. But when an unstoppable chain of events unfolds, everyone soon realizes no one is who they seem and the job may be something other than eliminating the competition. What started as simple instructions has now turned into a deadly cat-and-mouse game - with large guns pointed at everyone.

Malin Akerman - Tes
Reila Aphrodite - Sara
Kevin Beard - Mel's driver
Amanda Bosley - Tourist Wife
Edrick Browne - Devon
Ivory Dortch - Waitress
Brad Dourif - Sheriff Connors
Jimmy Lee Jr. - Jesse / Trucker
P.J. Marshall - Deputy Elmore
Nikki Reed - Kara
Michael Rosenbaum - Brandon
Dan Silver - Businessman David
Jill Stokesberry - Francine
Shea Whigham - Billy
Forest Whitaker - Ronny


Official Website: Annapurna Pictures [United States] | Official site [Japan] |

Release Date: 5 January 2012

Technical Specs


Did You Know?

Lizzy Caplan dropped out of the project and Deborah Ann Woll was cast as Dawn.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: Before Mel turns around and gets shot by Tes there is a sound of a hammer cocked. But Les is holding a Glock, a gun without a hammer.

User Review

What a mess...

Rating: 3/10

Bad, bad, bad... It was a waste of time. The only thing that deserves attention is Forest Whitaker's play (versus the disappointing old Willis). But it wasn't enough to save the movie. The impression left is that this is trying to be a smart/modern/atypical movie. It kept on trying' all the time but, unfortunately, it never succeeded.

There are a lot of much better movies full of blood and empty of mind.

After the disaster named "The Evil Woods",it seems that Aaron Harvey tried to save his career as a director. He fails. And for me it's enough to avoid him and his..."operas" in the future...

It's such a pity that actors like Willis or DeNiro haven't played in a good movie for so long time...

Be smart and avoid this mess.

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