Free Automatic Meta Tag Builder - Meta-Tag Check - Meta Tag Tutorials

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Free Meta-Tag Help

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Meta-tag builder, meta-tag checks and meta-tag tutorials listed below will launch a new browser allowing you to stay on this page and continue to research the best meta-tag help for your needs.

If you are encountering meta-tags for the first time, you might want to read a What Are Meta-Tags tutorial. Basically, meta-tags are important coding at the head of a web page that tell a web browser how to best interpret a web page, and give search engines a "heads-up" about the web page content and/or/if the web page should be indexed by the search engine.

Meta-Tag Tutorial Meta Tag Generator & Tutorials
If you want to generate a set of meta tags for your web site (this means you have decided on keywords, title, site description), then go generate a cut-and-paste set of meta tags for your web pages. You will also find tutorials/video on creating great tiles/descriptions and help with keywords. The free meta tag tool is supplied by SEO Book, a great outfit to work with when you want better search engine indexing. Make sure you check out all the great free online web page tools they offer.

Meta-Tag Tutorial Meta Tag Tutorial
Very good tutorial from Search Engine Watch for those with a basic understanding of meta-tags. Includes some good code examples and gives the 'cold, hard truth' that meta tags will not solve all problems with website display or indexing.

Meta Tag Tutorial Meta Elements - Wikipedia
Great information on how meta tags dictate what search engines/browsers do with a web page. Includes codes you can use.

Meta-Tag Generator Free Basic Meta Tag Creator

If you need a quick, reliable set of meta-tags to get you started, the below meta tag generator will get you started. Compliments of iWebTool, who can also offer you some back links to help with your search engine indexing.

Website Title:
  Best to limit to 70 characters
Website Description:
  Try and limit description to about 150 characters
Website Keywords:
  Separate each keyword/keyword phrase with a comma
Website Author:
  Not required, but many folks like to add site designer/owners name

Thanks to iWEBTOOL for free meta tag script

Meta-Tag Tutorial Free Detailed Meta Tag Generator
Now, if you have gotten a handle on what meta tags are, and you are ready to add a detailed set of meta tags to your web pages. You will find Meta Tag Generator invaluable. This is a free, online meta tag creator that offers numerous meta-tag options and variations. Just in case you need a little more help with understanding/creating meta tags, check out their very help Meta Tag Video Tutorial.

SEO Help Professional SEO/Meta Tag
SEOmoz is a professional SEO company for those of you who want to get SERIOUS about marketing your web site. This is a service for those wanting to go beyond meta tags, running an online business, and want the tools to do detailed SEO work (or have someone do it for you). They also offer a great deal of free tutorials for those who just want some tips and insights into marketing online.

Meta Tag Tutorial Google Meta Tag Help
Just because Google controls over 80% of the search engine activity, don't be intimidated. You are always free to do whatever you want with meta tags. Fortunately, Google has posted their own meta-tag tutorial ... just so you know. Also, if you are serious about developing and advancing your web site on the Internet, and doing most of the work yourself. Consider joining the Google Webmaster Program

Meta-Tag Generator Free Online Meta Tag Check

Now that you have set your meta tags, you may want to check out how well those tags perform. Run a free meta tag check. Our thanks to SEOcentro for this free service.

And, yes, you can check ours. And, yes, we know we have terrible meta tags. One of these days we will get around to fixing that. We are busy helping you. Best you just check your own site.


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