Wide Awake In America (Live) – EP – U2May 11th, 1985 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $3.99 Genre: Rock Released: 1985 Customer Ratings (77 Ratings)
Wide Awake In America (Live) – EP – U2
View More By U2. Customer ReviewsThe Flagship of U2's Performance Library (5 stars)As a serious 25 year fan of U2 I've seen and heard it all - bootlegs included. I purchased this album on cassette (same tracks were recorded on both sides) at the time of its release and literally wore it out by subjecting it to hours upon hours of "auto-reversing." As other reviewers have echoed, Wide Awake in America (Live) flawlessly illustrates U2's ability to elevate a song into textbook perfection with a single live performan Awakening (4 stars) This is good. Undeniably "Bad" is a good song and "A Sort of Homecoming" is one of their best, it's especially good, not only because it's a great live recording but you can also fully understand the words to song, which was harder on the studio version. "Bad" is a great song, however long it comes out to. "Three Sunrises" is pretty good, not their best although they should have released it on Unforget Magic Captured (5 stars) This EP captures U2 doing what it does best- playing live. As most U2 fans will tell you, "Bad" is probably the best song ever written by U2 and the live versions the band has put together over the years are truly amazing. The version on this EP is over eight minutes long and Clayton's bass line, Mullen Jr.'s drums and Bono's vocals will keep you listening to it over and over and over again. If you can, try and get your hands on BiographyFormed: 1976 in Dublin, IrelandGenre: Rock Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Through a combination of zealous righteousness and post-punk experimentalism, U2 became one of the most popular rock & roll bands of the '80s. They were rock & roll crusaders during an era of synthesized pop and heavy metal, equally known for their sweeping sound as for their grandiose statements about politics and religion. The Edge provided the group with a signature sound by creating sweeping sonic landscapes with his heavily processed, echoed guitars. Though the Edge's style wasn't conventional,...
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