Vitalogy – Pearl JamNovember 29th, 1994 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Alternative Released: Nov 29, 1994 Customer Ratings (247 Ratings)
Vitalogy – Pearl JamView More By Pearl Jam Our ReviewReleased at the end of 1994, the year of Kurt Cobain’s suicide, Vitalogy can be heard in part as a tribute to the fallen Nirvana singer. “Last Exit,” “Not For You” and “Immortality” all could be read arguably as Pearl Jam acknowledging his difficult life and all are among the album’s most affecting tunes. In any case, this is emotionally charged music — rawer than their previous releases — split between charged rockers (“Spin the Black Circle,” “Tremor Christ,” “Corduroy”) that continue to highlight the group’s live performances, and bizarre, experimental pieces that find the group challenging its audience (the accordion-based “Bugs,” the bargain-basement funk “Aye Davanita,” the music concrete “Hey Foxymophandlemama, That’s Me”). It’s here the group come closest to the punk ends of their roots. Vedder has less of the messianic urge in his vocals and the guitarists mostly eschew classic rock guitar solos and influences for a raw, brittle sound. Throw in “Nothingman” and “Better Man,” two more of the group’s champion brooders, and Vitalogy is nothing short of a full-spectrum look at a modern hard rock group growing up.. Customer ReviewsBrilliant Even in the Darkness (5 stars)While few would argue that this is the darkest/rawest Pearl Jam album, I would argue that it's also their best effort to date. From beginning to end, it's definitive Pearl Jam. I won't review this album song by song; every Pearl Jam fan should know that this album must be listened to as a whole. iTunes was created in a generation where albums were released with a few songs worth owning. This album was released when it was still popular a AMAZING (5 stars) If you are a starter on Pearl Jam, don't get this album, you will hate it. Download BETTERMAN and maybe CORDUROY, then : Start with TEN, go onto VS. and skip ahead to YIELD and go from there. BUT. If you are a TRUE FAN, it is REQUIRED for you to LOVE this album! I agree with the guy below that this album MUST be taken as a whole.. Yes, there are some crazy songs on here, THERE NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!!!! I suggest this album to A I GOT BUGS IN MY ROOM (5 stars) This is tied for my 2nd favorite with yield behind vs. The best thing about this album is it has a defined feel about it that when u listen to it through (with the exception of aye davanita and stupidmop). Notice i did not include bugs in that group which I find to be a very funny song. But anyways don't just come in here looking for better man because there are definately better songs here. Get the whole thing but if not get Last Exit, BiographyFormed: 1990 in Seattle, WAGenre: Rock Years Active: '90s, '00s, '10s Pearl Jam rose from the ashes of Mother Love Bone to become the most popular American rock & roll band of the '90s. After Mother Love Bone's vocalist, Andrew Wood, overdosed on heroin in 1990, guitarist Stone Gossard and bassist Jeff Ament assembled a new band, bringing in Mike McCready on lead guitar and recording a demo with Soundgarden's Matt Cameron on drums. Thanks to future Pearl Jam drummer Jack Irons, the demo found its way to a 25-year-old San Diego surfer named Eddie Vedder, who overdubbed...
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