Toys In the Attic – AerosmithApril 1st, 1975 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $8.99 Genre: Rock Released: Apr 1975 Customer Ratings (102 Ratings)
Toys In the Attic – AerosmithView More By Aerosmith Our ReviewAerosmith were one of the biggest hard-rock bands of the ‘70s and they did so with a personality as big as the arenas they packed. Singer Steven Tyler was the perfect, magnetic frontman while his band’s rhythm section of drummer Joey Kramer and bassist Tom Hamilton were the best-kept secret in the industry. Face it, tracks like “Toys In the Attic,” “Walk This Way” and “Sweet Emotion” swing with far more ferocity than most other hard rock bands of the era. Where most hard rock bands were content to plod and bludgeon, Aerosmith never forgot their R&B roots, whether it’s the cover of the old blues classic “Big Ten Inch Record” or the swinging groove of “Uncle Salty. “Round and Round” pushes towards the monolithic hard rock of their legendary Rocks album, while “You See Me Crying” proves Tyler could sit at the piano and turn a ballad. Guitarists Joe Perry and Brad Whitford provide Stones-like teamwork and their playing rattles with passion and inspiration.. Customer ReviewsClassic (5 stars)I'll leave this one real simple. Aerosmith is one of the great American rock bands, and "Toys in the Attic" is a pure, unfiltered uncut shot of what their sound is. If you're out for something good that won't disappoint, this album is one of your best bets. One of the best EVER!! (5 stars) From start to finish one of the best rock albums ever recorded. Thanks for finally hooking us up iTunes!! Keep the classics coming and I know we will keep buying!! Worth the price! (5 stars) One of the great rock albums of all-time. If you want a great early Aerosmith album, this is the one. I've owned it on virtually every recording media that it's been produced on over the years. Terrific album. BiographyFormed: 1970 in Boston, MAGenre: Rock Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Aerosmith was one of the most popular hard rock bands of the '70s, setting the style and sound of hard rock and heavy metal for the next two decades with their raunchy, bluesy swagger. The Boston-based quintet found the middle ground between the menace of the Rolling Stones and the campy, sleazy flamboyance of the New York...
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