The String Quartet Tribute to Tool's Aenima – Vitamin String QuartetApril 25th, 2006 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Apr 25, 2006 Customer Ratings (145 Ratings)
The String Quartet Tribute to Tool's Aenima – Vitamin String QuartetView More By Vitamin String Quartet. Customer ReviewsTOOL would be ashamed of their fans (4 stars)The reason TOOL is not on iTunes, or any other legal music downloading system, is because of what a previous reviewer so eloquently pointed out......TOOL DOES NOT WANT TO BE ON ITUNES!! Simple enough. If they wanted their music available in this format, they would have it available. The band wants to sell albums...full length, mind blowing albums...and that is what they do. All of you idiots out there can rip the CDs and post the songs t Music Critics and Literacy (2 stars) As an avid fan of Tool since their inception, I can appreciate the comments posted here regarding the absence of their music on iTunes. But people, please learn to spell and write! Your words would carry so much more power if they were formulated into coherent sentences with attention to your spelling. The band puts forth powerful, thought-provoking music with intricate lyrics and yet that effort seems wasted on a generation who hasn't le this is really cool (5 stars) now i will say that the tool cover cd with the cover bands is junk. however this is breaking down the music theory of tool into classical and just goes to show how complex and how much melody tool actually has in their music. and people who are wondering where the real tool is are not tool fans. if you know anything about tool you know they do not go mainstream and will not allow their albums on itunes. they will never have an album on here. BiographyGenre: RockYears Active: The Vitamin String Quartet is a group of Los Angeles-based studio musicians who have carved out a unique niche for themselves, recording new versions of songs by well-known rock, pop, and country artists, arranged for a small string ensemble. The Vitamin String Quartet have released well over 100 albums (through their own Vitamin Records label), most of which feature the songs of a single artist (and in some cases interpret a single album in full), though the group has also released thematic collections...
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