The Final Cut (Remastered) – Pink FloydMarch 21st, 1983 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Mar 21, 1983 Customer Ratings (107 Ratings)
The Final Cut (Remastered) – Pink FloydView More By Pink Floyd. Customer ReviewsLAST GREAT FLOYD ALBUM (4 stars)I have to admit that I did not like The Final Cut when I first bought it back in '83. After the over the top theatrics of The Wall this very subdued album did not catch my imagination, but on repeat listenings it became clear what a much better album this was over The Wall, even though Roger Waters still cannot get over the death of his father. I still have the 45 vinyl version of Not Now John in it's "obscured' edition and another with sin palabras (5 stars) no hay palabra para describir es exelente trabajo que se ha hecho con la rematerizacion de este album es increible se nota mas fidelidad en el sonido y sobre todo en lo sonido de holofonicos. best album Pink Floyd has to offer (5 stars) This is one long heartfelt beautiful song in my opinion, this is not an album containing a variety of songs but more of a story interlaced with historical and figurative language. I listen to this album every time i travel because that is the only time i can listen to it with out being interrupted. I highly recommend it. BiographyFormed: 1965 in London, EnglandGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s Pink Floyd is the premier space rock band. Since the mid-'60s, their music relentlessly tinkered with electronics and all manner of special effects to push pop formats to their outer limits. At the same time they wrestled with lyrical themes and concepts of such massive scale that their music has taken on almost classical, operatic quality in both sound and words. Despite their astral image, the group was brought down to earth in the '80s by decidedly mundane power struggles over leadership and,...
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