Stories of a Stranger – O.A.R.October 4th, 2005 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Oct 04, 2005 Customer Ratings (281 Ratings)
Stories of a Stranger – O.A.R.View More By O.A.R.. Customer ReviewsC'mon O.A.R.... C'mon (1 star)I've been a big O.A.R. fan for a long time now, and I've loved every new CD that they have come out with... until this one. Apparently the time came for O.A.R. to sell out, like many bands do. However, I can't think of another band that has strayed as far from their roots as this one. If listened to the CD with no idea who it was, you couldn't have convinced me that it was O.A.R. His voice isn't even the same anymore. They came to my co This album is incredible and addictive from beginning to end. (5 stars) These guys definitely display amazing talent with every song and this hands down my favorite album of 2005. From the upbeat reggae-tinged melodies of Wonderful Day and Lay Down to the provocative, slide guitar masterpiece Heard the World, O.A.R. have a knack for delivering with an array of styles and sounds. Nasim Joon is full of smokey jazz club sax riffs that blend perfectly with the lead singer's raspy pack-a-day voice, and that winning You've Gotta Be Kidding Me (1 star) This album doesn't even sound like the band we've all come to know and love...It sounds like a bad day in pop hell !!! What happened to the roots/rock formula that o.a.r. built their fan base on??? I don't know about the rest of you, but I am in shock that they turned to radio friendly, lame touchy-feely lyrics and overproduced poppy choruses with some chic whining in the background (i.e. the stranger). A plea to the band: Stick to the for BiographyFormed: 1996 in Rockville, MDGenre: Rock Years Active: '90s, '00s, '10s O.A.R. (an acronym for the band's full moniker, Of a Revolution) transformed itself from an independent college band to a Billboard chart-topper over the course of a long, varied career. First, two of the band's demo recordings were hawked on university campuses. Then, news spread about the band's roots rock and reggae-inflected songs, which owed much to the jam band genre. Before long, O.A.R.'s website had turned...
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