Stanley Climbfall – LifehouseSeptember 17th, 2002 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $7.99 Genre: Rock Released: Sep 17, 2002 Customer Ratings (80 Ratings)
Stanley Climbfall – LifehouseView More By Lifehouse. Customer ReviewsAmazing down to the last word and note... (5 stars)This album is absolutely amazing. The lyrics, the music, everything. I could probably go on for hours about the lyrical content not only being spiritually great, but also how astounding the rhythms are. Every single song really is good, but of course there are a few that stick out...."Spin", "Wash", "Sky is falling", "Anchor", "Out of Breath", "Just another name", "Take me a Out of Breath. Seriously. (5 stars) This album was so good, it should've sold twice as many records as "No Name Face". But people just don't get it. It's a very spiritual album, and yet the guitar riffs make it seem sad. It's really not, folks. It's actually very happy. I love this cd, as it's probably my second favorite cd of all time, besides "No Name Face". The strongest tracks would be, "Spin", "Wash", "Anchor", "Stand O my gosh! (5 stars) This is such a good CD. I can't believe how good it is. I like it a lot. Its different from No Name Face in that a lot of the songs are faster, with more of an upscale beat. in NNF the songs were slower and more sad sounding. In this one, the songs are much more interesting. You have to love Spin, then Stanley Climbfall, Out of Breath, Anchor, Sky is Falling, are great. I thought this would be sort of a risky Cd to buy, but its great. BiographyFormed: 1996 in Los Angeles, CAGenre: Rock Years Active: '90s, '00s, '10s Led by singer/songwriter Jason Wade, Lifehouse emerged in the early 2000s with a commercial blend of pop/rock melody and throaty, post-grunge vocals. Wade, who originally tagged the band Blyss upon its inception in 1996, was raised by missionary parents in a variety of locales. He eventually settled in Los Angeles with his mother and took a keen interest in songwriting. Bassist Sergio Andrade lived next door, and the two spent hours in Wade's garage, fine-tuning their original compositions and laying...
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