Signals (Remastered) – RushSeptember 1st, 1982 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $7.99 Genre: Rock Released: Sep 1982 Customer Ratings (202 Ratings)
Signals (Remastered) – RushView More By Rush Our ReviewAnxious to explore the expanding sonic options of the electronic age while also sensing a shift in the hard rock marketplace, Rush softened their guitar-based attack to implement a heavier dependence on synthesizers and an emphasis on the moodier aspects of their sound. The change is announced with the opening keyboard purr of “Subdivisions,” a dead accurate if wordy investigation (drummer Neal Peart is the one member who reluctantly curtails his excesses) into the travails of adolescence. From there, the beats syncopate nearer to New Wave while the songs deal less with sci-fi imaginings and adhere closer to real life. “The Analog Kid,” “The Weapon” and “New World Man” all race forth with a surging energy appropriate to the era. While older fans may have been stunned by these concessions to modern fashion, the results are an invigorated power trio firing on all cylinders. “Losing It,” featuring Ben Mink on electric violin, is a mature reflection on artistic decline, while “Countdown” observes the space shuttle launch with enviable audio verite.. Customer ReviewsSignal transmitted... Message Received (5 stars)This album is one of the few truly perfect albums. It's departure from previous Rush albums is distinct, however, the seeds of "Signals" were sewn in it's two predecessors. The move to shorter, more radio friendly songs, started with "Permanent Waves" (1980), and continued on "Moving Pictures" (1981). With "Vital Signs", the last track on "Moving Pictures", they gave fans a preview of the n Signal trantmitted, message recived! (5 stars) This is such a good album. the tracks on here are some of the best in Rush's history. The first track 'Subdivisions' was in my opinion the best way they could have opend the ablum. "Analog Kid" fast paced verses slow chorus, grea song. "Chemistry" My favorite song on the album, is one of the best songs thay have produced ever. the music and the lyrics are great. "Digital Man" very very very good song. one o The RUSH Pinnacle... (5 stars) Although many label Signals as the "transitional" Rush album, I would go one step further to call it the pinnacle of their library. Rush has always resonated more deeply with suburban male teens, and I remember the day well when I first heard "Subdivisions," the album's opening track. Here was the voice in my head, the words that I couldn't articulate on my own. Start by buying that song (c'mon, it's a buck for God's s BiographyFormed: 1968 in Toronto, Ontario, CanadaGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Over the course of their decades-spanning career, Canadian power trio Rush emerged as one of hard rock's most highly regarded bands; although typically brushed aside by critics and rarely the recipients of mainstream pop radio airplay, Rush nonetheless won an impressive and devoted fan following...
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