![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $6.99 Genre: Pop Released: Oct 26, 2009 Customer Ratings (521 Ratings)
Selections from Michael Jackson's This Is It (The Music That Inspired the Movie) – EP – Michael JacksonView More By Michael Jackson. Customer Reviewsmoney grab (3 stars)i don't know why i am surprised but the new song is album only. go figure. the only one most people by now will buy and they have to buy an album full of songs they probably already owned because they were 1. a fan or 2. already got caught up in the MJ mania since he died. at any rate most people (at least i won't) buy an album for one song. if i wanted to do that i'd go to a store and get an actual cd. idiots. Album Only? (3 stars) I've been waiting weeks to see this on iTunes and when it finally shows up, I have to pay $6.99 to get the one song I was looking for. I understand that they're trying to make as much money from this concert as possible, but why not offer This Is It as a single for $1.29 like most other artists? He will live in the world forever. (5 stars) Michael Jackson has not died and left forever, but has been reborn into a new generation of inspired listeners. This last peice of his work is only a fraction of what greatness he has given us. BiographyBorn: August 29, 1958 in Gary, INGenre: Pop Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s Michael Jackson was unquestionably the biggest pop star of the '80s, and certainly one of the most popular recording artists of all time. In his prime, Jackson was an unstoppable juggernaut, possessed of all the tools to dominate the charts seemingly at will: an instantly identifiable voice, eye-popping dance moves, stunning musical versatility, and loads of sheer star power. His 1982 blockbuster Thriller became the biggest-selling album of all time (probably his best-known accomplishment), and he...
View More By Michael Jackson
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