Rock and Roll Over (Remastered) – KISSNovember 4th, 1976 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $8.99 Genre: Rock Released: 1976 Customer Ratings (108 Ratings)
Rock and Roll Over (Remastered) – KISSView More By KISS Our ReviewKiss’s second album in 1976, Rock and Roll Over finds the group riding high and delving into some of the tastiest grooves of their career. “I Want You” and “Take Me” are two grinding, groaning funk songs that take their cues from groups like James Gang and Bad Company. By this time, Simmons and Stanley had the art of the hook down to a fine science, and “Calling Dr. Love,” “Ladies Room,” and “See You in Your Dreams” prove to be perfect mergers of hard rock sweat and sweet hooks. On the other hand, “Makin’ Love” and “Baby Driver” are two of the band’s most driving, unrelenting slices of blues rock, the latter of which is sung by the raspy-throated Peter Criss. Of course, the album’s crown jewel is “Hard Luck Woman.” That song is one of music’s most conspicuous imitations of Rod Stewart (Paul Stanley initially hoped for Stewart to sing it), but Criss manages to seal the song with his own bittersweet touch.. Customer ReviewsA TRUE STANDARD OF THE AGE (5 stars)Rock and Roll Over has everything required to make it a staple in the collection of any "Rock Purist". Following the rules of the "mega Rock" age , You have cover art that instantly catches your eyes and pumps your blood, 10 tracks that you can play straight through and not have to skip over even one and a title that excuse the pun "Rolls over your tongue". If you like it straight up , hard and loud ,THIS ONE 1976 (5 stars) The album cover art work is priceless! I look at this thing and can still picture the year that this thing came out. This has been one of my favorite albums of all time when it came to KISS. Not one bad song on it. Too many songs on this album proved that KISS were being over looked when it came to Rock N Roll. Steve MIller was hittin' big, Fleetwood Mac and Rumors were dominating the airways, The Eagles were on every station and out of left RnR Over continues the streak (4 stars) To follow the success of both "Alive!" and "Destroyer", KISS went back to basics on "Rock And Roll Over" by doing what they do best, play catchy straight-ahead rock. Classics on this album include "I Want You", "Calling Dr. Love", "Ladies Room", "Hard Luck Woman" and "Makin' Love". BiographyFormed: 1973 in New York, NYGenre: Rock Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Rooted in the campy theatrics of Alice Cooper and the sleazy hard rock of glam rockers the New York Dolls, Kiss became a favorite of American teenagers in the '70s. Most kids were infatuated with the look of Kiss, not their music. Decked out in outrageously flamboyant costumes and makeup, the band fashioned a captivating stage show featuring dry ice, smoke bombs, elaborate lighting, blood spitting, and fire breathing that captured the imaginations of thousands of kids. But Kiss' music shouldn't be...
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