Pornography – The CureNovember 25th, 1982 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $15.99 Genre: Alternative Released: 1982 Customer Ratings (55 Ratings)
Pornography – The CureView More By The Cure Our ReviewEach Cure album headed towards a darker, denser corner and with their fourth album, 1982’s Pornography, the group made a controversial masterpiece, an album so extreme that it polarized fans and critics. Singer Robert Smith turned his quiet, ethereal trio into a pulverizing wall of sound with the guitars and keyboards pinned beyond the breaking point and the drums reverberating until they resembled explosives. With their hairstyles growing wilder and their clothes and make-up sporting an androgynous tone, the Cure were defining not just the musical but the cultural style of the Gothic moment. But the songs at the heart of this sonic and fashion revolution were shockingly ominous. “It doesn’t matter if we all die,” begins “One Hundred Years,” Pornography’s air-raid siren opener, and from there, things grow darker. “The Hanging Garden,” “Siamese Twins” and “The Figurehead,” where Smith proffers “I will never be clean again,” form an emotional downward spiral that twists into complete dissonance for the closing title track. The expanded edition includes bootleg-quality live tracks and home demos that show how essential Phil Thornalley’s production was to the final product. Hearing these gothic anthems reduced to rudimentary demo form, however, is compelling for anyone intrigued by Robert Smith’s creative process.. Customer ReviewsPornography (5 stars)Definetly a masterpiece - if you're really depressed, put this album on loop and LOUD - you will feel better. Do not mix with alcohol. May cause dizzyness. Do not operate heavy machinery while listening to this - you just need to lay down in a dark place. This album was so powerful, the band broke up after it's release and Bob sang with Souixee for a little while. Beauty in Darkness... (5 stars) This is the king of all Goth records! Don't listen to the review that criticizes "THe Figureheads"-that's a classic track by all accounts- and this album is not somehwere in between, its dead on target, but not for the casual listener. Pornography is an essential Cure album, equally as essential as Disintegration.This re-mastered version is amazing. It really captures the haunting sound and raw passion/creativity that flows through Fantasticly Doomed (4 stars) As a fan of The Cure, and owning every cd they have released, I would have to say that Pornography is one of the best Cure albumns out there. That is, if you enjoy being assaulted by vile doom and gloom for an entire albumn. But that is this albumns intrigue. The dark subject matter that saturates each track is an intensity that must be enjoyed by the masochist in all of us. BiographyFormed: 1976 in Crawley, EnglandGenre: Alternative Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Out of all the bands that emerged in the immediate aftermath of punk rock in the late '70s, few were as enduring and popular as the Cure. Led through numerous incarnations by guitarist/vocalist Robert Smith (born April 21, 1959), the band became notorious for its slow, gloomy dirges and Smith's ghoulish appearance, a public image that often hid the diversity of the Cure's music. At the outset, the Cure played jagged, edgy pop songs before slowly evolving into a more textured outfit. As one of the...
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