Pet Sounds (40th Anniversary) – The Beach BoysMay 16th, 1966 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: May 16, 1966 Customer Ratings (36 Ratings)
Pet Sounds (40th Anniversary) – The Beach BoysView More By The Beach Boys Our ReviewNow regularly hailed as the greatest album of the rock era, Brian Wilson's 1966 masterpiece would prove to be as much troubling personal millstone as transcendent musical touchstone. While "God Only Knows," Wouldn't It Be Nice," and "Sloop John B" would become evergreens in his band's repertoire for decades, they weren't enough to push the album past #10 on the bestseller charts — which, to put the band's overarching success in the mid-60's in perspective, was considered a bitter disappointment in its day. This album's resiliency has defied most efforts to musically deconstruct it, which is as it should be; Wilson himself opined that it was an album to be "felt" as much as listened to. That nakedly spiritual appeal has crossed generations, embraced by a growing, fervent following that cherish it for what it is: a window into the fragile and wistful soul of Brian Wilson— and the hopeless, wounded romantic in us all.. Customer ReviewsGreatest Album of All Time (5 stars)This album was truly the most amazing thing I have ever listened to. I've listened to other albums which I would say are "great" (i.e. Revolver by the Beatles or Blonde on Blonde by Bob Dylan) but as far as I'm concerned those other albums were simply great song writing and production-this album is nothing less than transcendental. Any kid growing up in the world today can feel Brian Wilson speaking to them through the songs and ca Best album? (2 stars) I know this is supposed to be a great album. There are only 3 songs here that I like. Just not Sargent Peppers. Thanks (5 stars) I thank the Beach Boys, not just Brian Wilson, for helping me to grow up through the 60's, and my time in Vietnam. When my granddaughter asked me what the angels sound like, I told her to listen to the Beach Boys-angelic voices. Thanks Beach Boys great album. BiographyFormed: 1961 in Hawthorne, CAGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Beginning their career as the most popular surf band in the nation, the Beach Boys finally emerged by 1966 as America's preeminent pop group, the only act able to challenge (for a brief time) the overarching success of the Beatles with both mainstream listeners and the critical community. From their 1961 debut with the regional hit "Surfin," the three Wilson brothers — Brian, Dennis, and Carl — plus cousin Mike Love and friend Al Jardine constructed the most intricate, gorgeous harmonies...
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