Narrow Stairs – Death Cab for CutieMay 9th, 2008 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Alternative Released: May 09, 2008 Customer Ratings (1043 Ratings)
Narrow Stairs – Death Cab for CutieView More By Death Cab for Cutie Our ReviewWith tunes such as “You Can Do Better Than Me,” “Pity and Fear,” and “The Ice is Getting Thinner,” it’s safe to say no one will accuse Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard of getting too comfortable with his band’s continued popular success. The Death Cab cult grows with each release and 2008’s Narrow Stairs should expand their base even further, since it manages to both remain true to the band’s slumbering speeds and heartfelt manifestos while also focusing their sound into a tight, active unit. Backed with electric piano and Gibbard’s earnest vocals, “Grapevine Fires” paints a creepy romantic portrait of a man, his lover and her daughter in a cemetery observing a distant brushfire. “I Will Possess Your Heart” begins with a long, lurking intro before giving way to an obsessive admirer’s verbal promise to win the affection of his obsession. “Your New Twin Sized Bed” lopes with an irresistible melody. Whether the moments are dark or walking towards the light, Gibbard and his indelible tunes evoke a sweetness not often heard in modern pop music.. Customer ReviewsI find it absolutely hilarious (5 stars)How people are comparing this to not live up to "plans" standards. I even read one review that said "death cab's second album is almost as good as their first. I love everything on plans and now this one is just ok." clearly these people are fans of the electronic sounds behind soul meets body and the acoustic hit of I will follow you into the dark, which is fine, their great songs, but truth be told, THOSE are the songs Not Worth The Hype (3 stars) When I first heard about the upcoming Death Cab album, I was excited. When i heard the first single, most of that excitement went away. But i didn't lose all hope. I bought the album anyway (considering Death Cab has always been one of my favorite bands) in hopes that it would redeem itself. For the most part, it did not. This album is unlike any other Death Cab album out there. It lack's so much that made every other Death Cab album uniq Not their best stuff... (3 stars) And with that being said, it probably still deserves 4 stars. Narrow Stairs is a good album in its own right, but since it's Death Cab, it's just average, nothing really special. If you're a fan of Death Cab because of Plans and Transatlanticism, be wary of purchasing Narrow Stairs, because you might end up very disappointed. The powerful and expansive chorus lines, catchy singles and emotionally driven acoustics are nowhere to be found o BiographyFormed: 1997 in Bellingham, WAGenre: Alternative Years Active: '90s, '00s, '10s Death Cab for Cutie's rise from small-time solo project to Grammy-nominated rock band is one of indie rock's greatest success stories. Launched in the bayside college town of Bellingham, Washington, the group was originally a side project for singer/guitarist Ben Gibbard, an engineering student at Western Washington University who split his time between school and music. Taking a break from his local power pop band, Pinwheel, Gibbard began recording an album's worth of solo material during the summer...
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