Mona Bone Jakon – Cat StevensJuly 1st, 1970 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Jul 1970 Customer Ratings (28 Ratings)
Mona Bone Jakon – Cat StevensView More By Cat Stevens Our ReviewReleased in 1970, Mona Bone Jakon signaled the beginning of a fertile creative period for Cat Stevens that would stretch across seven albums in five years. Though the album doesn’t contain any of his biggest hits, there are several stellar singles (“Pop Star,” “I Think I See the Light,” and “I Wish, I Wish”) that are on par with his most well known songs, and they all feature Stevens’ gift for memorable melodies and his warm and distinct baritone. There’s an undercurrent of melancholy here that’s sometimes overt (“Maybe You’re Right,” “Trouble”) and other times wrapped in poetic metaphor (“Katmandu,” “Fill My Eyes”). The arrangements of these mostly acoustic folk tunes are generally spare and subdued, but even in these quieter moments his music radiates an emotional power and intensity that would become his trademark. Stevens arguably peaked on the two subsequent releases, Tea for the Tillerman and Teaser and the Firecat, but Mona Bone Jakon belongs in their august company.. Customer ReviewsHarold and Maude (4 stars)some of these great songs are in the film Harold and Maude, to great effect. It's a wonderful film with a great score. At his best (5 stars) Not to take away from such phenomenal works like Tea For The Tillerman and Matthew & Son, both of which are very good albums. However, I find Mona Bone Jakon to be Cat Stevens best work. Sure he had hits with Teaser and Catch Bull, but musically and lyrically they do not compare to his earlier work, especially this one. If I didn't know better I'd think of Mona as part 2 of Tea for the Tillerman. However it is its successor both in ti The Cat's Comeback (3 stars) Cat Steven's real impack would run from this album to "Budda and The Chocolate Box", before the three lackluster albums that he would issue before packing it in for Islam. I tend to like and dismiss indivdual songs rather than albums with Cat, but this has some of his highlights ("Trouble" "Lady D'Arbanville") and really not a groaner in the bunch. "Trouble" and "I Wish, I Wish" would appear BiographyBorn: July 21, 1948 in London, EnglandGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Cat Stevens, born Steven Demetre Georgiou, was the son of a Swedish mother and a Greek father who ran a restaurant in London. He became interested in folk music and rock & roll in his teens while attending Hammersmith College and in 1965 began performing under the name Steve Adams. Mike Hurst, a former member of the folk-pop group the Springfields, who had become a record producer, heard him and took him into a recording studio to cut his composition "I Love My Dog." This demo caused Decca Records...
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