Los Extraterrestres – Wisin & YandelNovember 6th, 2007 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $11.99 Genre: Reggaeton y Hip-Hop Released: Nov 06, 2007 Customer Ratings (238 Ratings)
Los Extraterrestres – Wisin & YandelView More By Wisin & Yandel. Customer ReviewsTHE BEST REGGAET0N ALBUM 0F THE YEAR! (5 stars)EVERY SONG ON THiS CD iS FiRE. WiSiN y YANDEL REALLY OUT-DiD THEMSELVES, WAY BETTER THAN LOS VAQUEROS OR PAL MUNDO. THiS CD iS THE BEST REGGAETON CD 0F THE YEAR. SOME 0F MY FAVE. S0NG`s: [1.] AHORA ES. [2.] CONTROL. [3.] LAS COSAS CAMBiARON. [4.] SEXY MOViMiENTO. [5.] TU CUERPO ME LLAMA [6.] PORqUE ME TRATS ASi. iF YOU ENJOY LiSTiNiNG TO REGGAETON THiS iS THE CD TO ADD TO YOUR COLLECTiON. ^ Los Extraterrestres Viajando En La Nave First Class^ (5 stars) Aver pa comensar quiero decir que este va hacer el album del anio definitivamente, esto esta brutal el nivel de evolucion que ellos an llevado al genero es increible. Este Cd no tiene comparacion el contenido musical es realmente diferente, se puede decir que suena como wisin y yandel siempre suenan pero el estilo a cambiado y las instrumentales son realmente fuera de este mundo. el uso de instrumentos electronicos y sonido jamas escuchados One of the best reggaeton albums (5 stars) This is probably one the best reggaeton albums to be ever sold. The beats are great, and the songs are different. Wisin & Yandel have done a superb job on this. Would recommend it 100%. Some of the best songs are Ahora Es, Control, Una Noche Mas, and Sexy Moviemento. Great CD. BiographyFormed: Puerto RicoGenre: Reggaeton y Hip-Hop Years Active: '90s, '00s, '10s Though Puerto Rican reggaeton duo Wisin & Yandel (born Juan Morera and Lladel Vegilla) were around for some time (their debut album, Reyes del Nuevo Milenio, was released in 2000) and gained fans and recognition with records like 2004's De Otra Manera and 2005's Mi Vida: La Pelicula, it wasn't until Pa'l Mundo hit the number one Latin album spot on the Billboard charts that they began to be recognized outside the Spanish-speaking community. That record, which featured guest appearances from reggaeton...
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