Let It Bleed – The Rolling StonesNovember 28th, 1969 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Nov 28, 1969 Customer Ratings (644 Ratings)
Let It Bleed – The Rolling StonesView More By The Rolling Stones Our ReviewThe Stones closed the '60s with one of their most emblematic albums, and perhaps their best ever. Let It Bleed is a deeply gritty document of the band at a soaring peak - one that came as Mick Jagger and Keith Richards realized that the entire world wasn't necessarily ready to buy into the decade's dream of a greater society. "Gimmie Shelter" and "You Can't Always Get What You Want" were the epics that framed the album and the emotions of characters who'd halfway convinced themselves of endless possibilities. The Stones were hardly backing down musically; these cuts' creativity and heart rivaled what the Beatles were doing in 1969: Hard rock rarely got as brutal as "Live With Me" and "Monkey Man," country rock as funny as "Country Honk" (a piss-take on "Honky Tonk Women"), or as deeply felt as Keith's "You Got the Silver.". Customer ReviewsThis album changed me forever (5 stars)I'm a 14 year old boy from Upstate New York. I have to say that this is the best album that I've ever owned, and basically showed me what real music was(CLASSIC Rock n Roll, Blues, Jazz) opposed to Punk Rock, Metal, Rap, and Pop. I encourage anyone to buy this album. Its one of my 6 stones albums, and I downloaded basically all their songs. Gimme Shelter, Live With Me, Midnight Rambler and You Can't Always Get What You Want are some kickass Let it Bleed (5 stars) I realize everyone fancies themselves a critic, but people know what you are talking about before you try to come off as some kind of rock & roll oracle. Of course Janis Joplin did not sing on Gimme Shelter, it was an almost unknown Merry Clayton. Brian Jones had little or nothing to do with the album as the rest of the Stones had kicked him out of the group a year earlier for of all things drug abuse. Another slight bit of misinformatio A Joy (5 stars) I have been listening to this on and off since I was in High School, which was quite a long time ago. (I graduated in 1980) This is by far the best work of the stones, and one of the 3 or 4 best rock albums ever made, in my humble opinion. While I have heard others opine on the alleged superiority of "Exile on Main St." or "Beggars Banquet", they are but a pale imitation of what was accomplished here on "Let it Blee BiographyFormed: April, 1962 in London, EnglandGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s By the time the Rolling Stones began calling themselves the World's Greatest Rock & Roll Band in the late '60s, they had already staked out an impressive claim on the title. As the self-consciously dangerous alternative to the bouncy Merseybeat of the Beatles in the British Invasion, the Stones had pioneered the gritty, hard-driving blues-based rock & roll that came to define hard rock. With his preening machismo and latent maliciousness, Mick Jagger became the prototypical rock frontman,...
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