I Want You – Marvin GayeMarch 16th, 1976 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: R&B/Soul Released: Mar 16, 1976 Customer Ratings (84 Ratings)
I Want You – Marvin GayeView More By Marvin Gaye Our ReviewLet’s Get It On had been lush and hypnotic, but with I Want You Marvin Gaye took his audience to an even more rapturous place. Written and orchestrated in collaboration with Leon Ware, the album generates a vortex of sound. This is a work of great texture and atmosphere. At times the band and orchestra appear to shake and flutter, as if animated by a rising hot wind. Gaye doesn’t so much lead the music with his vocals as he lets the music lead his voice. At the points where we would expect his voice to rise up, it holds at a murmur, allowing the orchestra swells in illustration of the singer’s inner torment. The music is immaculate and intoxicating, but at the time of release some stodgy critics and fans felt that Gaye had traded the social conscience of What’s Going On to revel in carnal pleasure. In retrospect, I Want You feels bolder and more personal than the works that preceded it. It represents a transformative moment in Gaye’s career, and remains a paragon for musicians who want to expand and articulate the vistas of their inner lives.. Customer Reviewsthe sexiest record ever made. (5 stars)marvin's life, personal and otherwise was a mess by this point in his career - but his singing was at it's most effortlessly expressive peak. enter leon ware, writer, arranger - with what was going to be ware's next album. at berry gordy's behest, leon turns the project over to marvin - and voila - a masterpiece, marking the height of each man's career. ware has said so, and anyone that's ever heard I Want You will agree. an unbeatable g This is not just my favorite album by Marvin Gaye... (5 stars) This is my favorite album of all time!!! I'm sorry, but there is no other album that exudes such taste, class, and sensuality. I fell in love with its title track the very day that I heard. It was a pioneer of its time. It can wind you down after a hard day's work or it can gear you up for that clandestine encounter with your significant other. This album is more than just an album. It's a work of elegant beauty. It is music from the soul. I Make you long for more (5 stars) This body of work helps you to understand some of the work of the younger players out there now Mary J's work Dwell's, Maxwell and you hear what Janet was getting at on her "Janet" cd. No one will be able to touch this work. BiographyBorn: April 02, 1939 in Washington D.C.Genre: R&B/Soul Years Active: '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s One of the most gifted, visionary, and enduring talents ever launched into orbit by the Motown hit machine, Marvin Gaye blazed the trail for the continued evolution of popular black music. Moving from lean, powerful R&B to stylish, sophisticated soul to finally arrive at an intensely political and personal form of artistic self-expression, his...
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