Hotter Than Hell (Remastered) – KISSNovember 1st, 1974 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $8.99 Genre: Rock Released: Nov 1974 Customer Ratings (90 Ratings)
Hotter Than Hell (Remastered) – KISSView More By KISS Our ReviewThough its manga-influenced cover makes for the most colorful album art of Kiss’s career, Hotter Than Hell is among the group’s darkest works. The band had yet to fully establish its persona as a crew of groupie-loving hellhounds, and songs like “Got To Choose,” “Parasite,” and “Strange Ways” all exhibit an undercurrent of frustration, confusion, and menace. Only the Paul Stanley-penned title track and “Mainline” fully embrace the debauched glories of the band’s future, although “Let Me Go, Rock ‘N Roll” portends the hi-octane stadium rock of Alive!. Meanwhile, Gene Simmons’ gothic power ballad “Goin’ Blind” details a twisted romance, but is nonetheless elevated by a wailing Ace Frehley solo. Frehley contributes the album’s two heaviest tracks: “Parasite” is driven by a pulverizing riff that went on to influence thrash bands like Anthrax (who covered it), while the groaning, screaming solo at the end of “Strange Ways” is regarded by fans as one of Frehley’s best.. Customer ReviewsGreat! (5 stars)This album rules, and it has some of the best guitar solos on it. Its a great landmark for KISS. My Favorite KISS Album (5 stars) I'm a pretty big KISS fan and I have most of their albums. All of the 70's album and most of the 80's and 90's albums. Having listened to all those, Hotter than Hell is my favorite KISS album. It's amazing. The sound quality isn't very good, and it's still an amazing cd. Goin' Blind is one of all-time KISS favorites. The lyrics are stunningly awkward, about a 93 year old having an affair with a 16 year old, but somehow Gene Simmons makes it Classic KISS (5 stars) This is by far one of my favorite KISS albums. They were still hungry at this time, and it's easy to see by this album. Some of the material from this album by far surpasses many of their more well-known songs. It has such a raw and powerful feel to it. Ace is at his best here, his playing on "Parasite", "Strange Ways", and the unforgettable "Let Me Go, Rock & Roll" will completely blow you away. So don BiographyFormed: 1973 in New York, NYGenre: Rock Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Rooted in the campy theatrics of Alice Cooper and the sleazy hard rock of glam rockers the New York Dolls, Kiss became a favorite of American teenagers in the '70s. Most kids were infatuated with the look of Kiss, not their music. Decked out in outrageously flamboyant costumes and makeup, the band fashioned a captivating stage show featuring dry ice, smoke bombs, elaborate lighting, blood spitting, and fire breathing that captured the imaginations of thousands of kids. But Kiss' music shouldn't be...
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