![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $10.99 Genre: Rock Released: Jul 24, 2006 Customer Ratings (196 Ratings)
Highway Companion (Deluxe Version) – Tom Petty & The HeartbreakersView More By Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Our ReviewTom Petty’s records always sound like they were made by the Valedictorian of Rock n’ Roll 101, as if he listened to the old records and figured out how to create his own classic rock based on elemental rock n’ roll truths. He’s never tried to do too much; much like Neil Young, he’s found the direct path is the most convincing. For this third solo album, Petty keeps it simple, reigning in the usual plush textures of producer Jeff Lynne for something closer to the stripped down folksy approach of his 1994 Wildflowers release. Father Time clearly weighs on his mind. Though the album’s title gives clue that Petty hears these songs as ones for the road, the mileage is wracking up. (“If you don’t run, you rust,” he sings, echoing Neil Young in “Big Weekend”). It all adds up to one of Petty’s most poignant albums. “Saving Grace” begins things with an excited shuffle, but the undertow is there (“And it’s hard to say/ who you are these days / but you run on anyway”) and is most effective on the quietest numbers (“Square One,” “Damaged by Love”).. Customer ReviewsGood album (5 stars)Well I just got done downloading "Highway Companion". I've listened to every song and the verdict is good. As their pre-release as singles would indicate, Saving Grace and Big Weekend are the big numbers on this album. "Flirting with Time" and "Ankle Deep" have VERY similar melodies but the shared tune is a good one. There really isn't a bad song on this album. Tom Petty has done it again. "Highway Same old Petty... (4 stars) ...and it's not necessarily a bad thing. In most of these songs (and especially the guitar licks in 'Turn This Car Around') there's a familiarity to Petty's older styles. If you listen carefully to most of the songs, you'll hear slower versions of riffs and beats very similar to most of his older albums. Funny how this whole album makes me feel like I should be driving an old Eldorado convertible down some deserted stretch of Nevada desert If You Don't Run You Rust (4 stars) There isn’t a musician that better represent Americana than Tom Petty with the exception of Bruce Springsteen (I am willing to listen to and argument for John Mellencamp). And with this being the thirtieth anniversary of his debut album, he’s still adding to his legacy with his latest outing Highway Companion. The album is actually a solo act, his third, but much like his previous solo records, this was see many of the Heartbreakers maki BiographyBorn: October 20, 1950 in Gainesville, FLGenre: Rock Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Upon the release of their first album in the late '70s, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers were shoehorned into the punk/new wave movement by some observers who picked up on the tough, vibrant energy of the group's blend of Byrds riffs and Stonesy swagger. In a way, the categorization made sense. Compared to the heavy metal and art rock that dominated mid-'70s guitar rock, the Heartbreakers' bracing return to roots was nearly as unexpected as the crashing chords of the Clash. As time progressed, it...
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