Foxtrot – GenesisOctober 1st, 1972 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Oct 1972 Customer Ratings (104 Ratings)
Foxtrot – GenesisView More By Genesis. Customer ReviewsGREATEST ALBUM OF ALL TIME.... (5 stars)The new mixes of this album are from Heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ sent down an album, remastered for your 5.1 speakers. this is foxtrot. buy this now if you arent planning to buy the boxset... Suppers Ready is the greatest song of all time. Watcher of the skies,obviously. and the hidden pearl of the album: Can Utility and the Coastliners... JUST GET THE ALBUM. money wont be part of your world anymore once youve entered the world of Foxtrot, Fantastic new sound on the remixed Foxtrot (5 stars) I had lost my original CD to Foxtrot and tonite downloaded the "new stereo mix" of the album and was absolutely floored at the incredible high quality of the sound. The definition of each intrument, the separation of "voices" and especially the high definition sound of "Supper's Ready" give the listener a taste of what Gabriel, Banks, Rutherford, Hackett and Collins must have heard on the studio playback. This Supper's Ready is the greatest! (5 stars) This album is where the classic lineup of Genesis really starting perfecting their musicianship skills and coming together as a tight knit group. The last song itself is well worth the money. In my opinion the album sans Supper's Ready is not that great, except for maybe "Watcher and "Get Em Out", but the last track is epic and is possibly of one the greatest progressive rock songs of all time. After listening to this album yo BiographyFormed: 1966 in Godalming, EnglandGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Genesis started life as a progressive rock band, in the manner of Yes and King Crimson, before a series of membership changes brought about a transformation in their sound, into one of the most successful pop/rock bands of the 1980s and 1990s. In addition, the group has provided a launching pad for the superstardom of members Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins, and star solo careers for members Tony Banks, Michael Rutherford, and Steve Hackett. Their roots go back to 1965 and a pair of rival groups,...
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