Footsteps in the Dark – Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 – Cat StevensNovember 1st, 1984 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Nov 1984 Customer Ratings (41 Ratings)
Footsteps in the Dark – Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 – Cat StevensView More By Cat Stevens. Customer ReviewsHarold + Maude = Beauty (5 stars)Let's talk about the best movie ever, and the best song ever "If you want to sing out, sing out" Harold is the coolest cat around, and Maude is just such a free spirit, together they are the most fabulous duo around. Best Scene: When Harold looks directly at the camera and grins mischieviously. My favorite first album (5 stars) The sweetest and most beautiful album from Cat Stevens including two songs from the film Maude and Harold, which is how I came to know Cat Stevens in the first place and the reason I bought this album (as a record in the 80s). On the record sleeve it said that this was his last album before he converted to islam and that his new name was Yusuf something. I still know most of these songs by heart and sing them often. They are like little chil found at last (5 stars) yes i first heard cat from harold and maude i bought this as a cassette back in the day and back in the 80's lost it , and until now could not find a c.d. version , i dont care for the description of how these are lesser songs i always liked the intensity that this album emitted. BiographyBorn: July 21, 1948 in London, EnglandGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Cat Stevens, born Steven Demetre Georgiou, was the son of a Swedish mother and a Greek father who ran a restaurant in London. He became interested in folk music and rock & roll in his teens while attending Hammersmith College and in 1965 began performing under the name Steve Adams. Mike Hurst, a former member of the folk-pop group the Springfields, who had become a record producer, heard him and took him into a recording studio to cut his composition "I Love My Dog." This demo caused Decca Records...
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