Fly By Night (Remastered) – RushFebruary 15th, 1975 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $7.99 Genre: Rock Released: Feb 15, 1975 Customer Ratings (151 Ratings)
Fly By Night (Remastered) – RushView More By Rush Our ReviewThis Canadian trio's self-titled debut proved the band was adept at the heavy blues-rock of the era, but it was with its second album, 1975's Fly By Night, that Rush established its signature sound: a mix of studio wizardry and athletic musicianship coupled with a desire to break past conventional songforms. Mostly, this was the result of new drummer Neil Peart, whose inquisitive lyrics and extra polyrhythmic emphasis would make them arena-rock superstars before decade's end. Peart's unusual sensibility can be heard in the nearly nine-minute epic "By-Tor and the Snow Dog," the extra flicker driving "Anthem" and the graceful, jazzy touches of "Making Memories." Singer Geddy Lee pushes his voice to the upper reaches of his range. "Beneath, Between and Behind" sounds like a drag race between drummer, guitarist and singer to see who can twist and turn with greater dexterity. One part hard rock, two parts progressive ambition, and the band was off in a prolific and singular direction.. Customer ReviewsThis album is awesome but don't knock john rutsey too hard. (3 stars)I have been listening to rush since the mid 70s and rush is by far my favorite band and it helps that I'm a drummer and Absolutely worship Neil Peart and Buddy Rich, Keith Moon and all the greats. I do not wish to take away from Neil's absolute directional change of the band, but as any die hard fan who knows Rush history John bowed out of the Band as a result of his diabetes which I noticed was'nt mentioned in the section on His not bei Sophomore effort (5 stars) Rush's 2nd effort first with neil peart is a solid album, Bytor And The Snow Dog is one of rush's best tunes and neil peart on drums is awesome, Lyrics is cool too. This is one of rush's best What A Rush (5 stars) If ya ever wondered what God would be like on the drums the go see Rush BiographyFormed: 1968 in Toronto, Ontario, CanadaGenre: Rock Years Active: '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Over the course of their decades-spanning career, Canadian power trio Rush emerged as one of hard rock's most highly regarded bands; although typically brushed aside by critics and rarely the recipients of mainstream pop radio airplay, Rush nonetheless won an impressive and devoted fan following...
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