All Sides – O.A.R.July 1st, 2008 or iTunes Price: $9.99 Genre: Rock Released: Jul 01, 2008 Customer Ratings (31 Ratings)
All Sides – O.A.R.View More By O.A.R. Our ReviewOf A Revolution fans may be a bit surprised to find the band's sixth studio album sounding like a departure from their jam-heavy college rock. Of course the guys in O.A.R. haven't been in college for years, but they seem to have learned something more pertinent from the road: yes, they're going for airplay with All Sides, but that's not to say the music sounds watered down. The playing here is still stellar and innovative and moving and grooving, though the meandering, reggae tinged, cosmic noodling has been replaced with piano-centric song crafting, melodious rock anthems and catchy radio pop. O.A.R. on commercial radio? It may seem like yesterday when their demo of "That Was A Crazy Game Of Poker" was swapped around campus dorms, but this time around they had some help from songwriter Gregg Wattenberg, who penned hits for Chris Daughtry and Five for Fighting. He co-wrote All Sides' first single "Shattered" which blends inspiration from U2's triumphant stadium serenades with the kinds of Lifehouse power ballads that end up on One Tree Hill. Vestiges of O.A.R.'s groove heavy jams seep from the soulful "Something Coming Over Me" and the slightly rastafied "What Is Mine.". Customer ReviewsEvolution (5 stars)To all those people that are complaining that OAR sold out and that wish they went back to their old sounds make no sense. I don't understand bands need to evolve and change their sound and explore other things. The band cant go back and make the delicate fews, city on downs, on top the cages and conquering fools all over again. They need to change and evolve, if people believe that changing your sound and making new music is selling out, Solid Album (4 stars) I can understand why some of you are upset. I love the jams that O.A.R. put out in their past albums. But, what you have to understand is that these guys have never been about one sound. They have always played everything differently. Bands who stay the same all the time don't last and that's just fact. You have to change or at least experiment with different sounds. Look at it this way: would Dave Matthews have become as popular if he hadn' Sell Out (1 star) The point is, they did sell out. This is a good CD for the average POP band. But, OAR is not a pop band (well now they are). If you want to talk about evolution, try OAR's first CD (The Wanderer), which is a great CD, and compare it to something like their CD "Risen." That my friend, is evolution of sound and vocals. Both of those CDs are TERRIFIC. Both sound like OAR, but Risen is more mature! This new POP crap is not a more matu BiographyFormed: 1996 in Rockville, MDGenre: Rock Years Active: '90s, '00s, '10s O.A.R. (an acronym for the band's full moniker, Of a Revolution) transformed itself from an independent college band to a Billboard chart-topper over the course of a long, varied career. First, two of the band's demo recordings were hawked on university campuses. Then, news spread about the band's roots rock and reggae-inflected songs, which owed much to the jam band genre. Before long, O.A.R.'s website had turned...
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