Alive! (Remastered) – KISSOctober 1st, 1975 ![]() or ![]() iTunes Price: $13.99 Genre: Rock Released: Oct 1975 Customer Ratings (164 Ratings)
Alive! (Remastered) – KISSView More By KISS Our ReviewKiss may have been maligned as flash(pots) in the pan even after their breakthrough in the mid-'70s, but to fans watching them from the gallery, in their S&M-gone-mad garb and three-chord glory, there was simply no other rock band. Alive! captures Kiss in a series of fantastic Technicolor explosions that include "Rock 'n' Roll All Nite" and "Deuce." A monster hit that captured this pop-metal juggernaut perfectly, Alive also jumpstarted the move toward the larger-than-life, arena-rock sounds of the '80s.. Customer Reviews'as live as it needed to be.' (5 stars)that's what paul stanley said about this record. don't get me wrong i effin' LOVE this record - it changed my life, but there is NOTHING live about it. they did this whole thing in the studio. but it's cool because it gave us young kiss fans a chance to feel like we were there. there were no VHS, DVDs, cable, sattelite, internet, download, 24 hour music, dish radio, itunes and 'everything at your fingertips' in those days. you had your live A Must Have (5 stars) More bands (including country smash Garth Brooks) give credit to KISS as an influence. Another on my top ten list. Even if you are not a KISS fan, you will not be disappointed. Every song is great. This album expresses what a real live show should be like. 5 Stars KISS' FINEST ALBUM (5 stars) This is one of the most amazing albums out there. This was the first Kiss record I ever bought and I have never regretted it. When I first came across this album, I had heard about Kiss from a friend and he said this was "the album"! So I thought I would give it a shot. When I put it on, I was instantly hooked. First, you get the announcement over the PA that Kiss is here and then right into the explosion of Deuce. The versions of BiographyFormed: 1973 in New York, NYGenre: Rock Years Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s Rooted in the campy theatrics of Alice Cooper and the sleazy hard rock of glam rockers the New York Dolls, Kiss became a favorite of American teenagers in the '70s. Most kids were infatuated with the look of Kiss, not their music. Decked out in outrageously flamboyant costumes and makeup, the band fashioned a captivating stage show featuring dry ice, smoke bombs, elaborate lighting, blood spitting, and fire breathing that captured the imaginations of thousands of kids. But Kiss' music shouldn't be...
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