Storyline The People Under the Stairs is the story of a young boy (Fool) from the ghetto and takes place on his 13th birthday. In an attempted burglary (along with two others) of the home of his family's evil landlords, he becomes trapped inside their large suburban house and discovers the secret of the "children" that the insane brother and sister have been "rearing" under the stairs.
Cast: Brandon Quintin Adams
(as Brandon Adams)
Everett McGill
Wendy Robie
A.J. Langer
Ving Rhames
Sean Whalen
Bill Cobbs
Grandpa Booker
Kelly Jo Minter
Ruby Williams
Jeremy Roberts
Conni Marie Brazelton
Joshua Cox
Young Cop
John Hostetter
Veteran Cop
John Mahon
Police Sergeant
Teresa Velarde
Social Worker
George R. Parker
Attic Cop
In every neighbourhood there is one house that adults whisper about and children cross the street to avoid. Now Wes Craven, creator of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" takes you inside...
Release Date: 1 November 1991
Filming Locations: Los Angeles, California, USA
Box Office Details
Budget: $6,000,000
Opening Weekend: $5,522,250
(3 November 1991)
(1 Screen)
Gross: $24,204,154
Technical Specs
(cut version)
Did You Know?
Wes Craven chose Wendy Robie and Everett McGill to play the parts of Mommy and Daddy after seeing them play husband and wife on the TV series,
Twin Peaks.
Audio/visual unsynchronized:
When they discover the dog is dead, the Woman says "Oh My God, Prince!" but her mouth doesn't.
Quotes: Fool:
My name is Fool. What's yours? Alice:
Alice. Fool:
Don't be scared. You never seen a brother before? Alice:
Never had a brother. Fool:
No, I mean a black dude. There's black folks in this neighborhood. Alice:
Neighborhood? Fool:
The neighborhood. You know, outside. Alice:
Well, that's outside, not in here. Fool:
So you get outside, don't you? Alice:
[shakes her head]
User Review
A classic fairy tale!
I really think people who describe this as a comedy or even a horror comedy
are missing the point - it's a classic fairy/folk tale, right down to the
theme of the kid having to earn manhood and a "real name" by doing a heroic
deed. Wicked step-parents, hidden treasure (gold coins, even!), creepy house
with secret passages and monsters in the basement, captive maiden to be
rescued, innocent villagers held in slavery by evil (land)lords - it's all
there! I know this could be said of a lot of fantasy/horror films, but this
one seems to be more clearly derived than most. Loved it!