The story begins with Spanky, who is the president of the "He-Man Woman Haters Club" with many school-aged boys from around the neighborhood as members...
Storyline The story begins with Spanky, who is the president of the "He-Man Woman Haters Club" with many school-aged boys from around the neighborhood as members. His best friend, Alfalfa, has been chosen as the driver for the club's prize-winning go-kart, called "The Blur", in the annual Soap Box Derby style race. However, when the announcement is made, Alfalfa is nowhere to be found. The boys catch Alfalfa in the company of Darla -- "a girl!" Alfalfa isn't like his friends because he's in love with Darla, and unfortunately threatens the very existence of their "boys only" club. The club's members try their hardest to break the two apart, eventually causing their beloved clubhouse to burn down. Darla is mistakenly led to believe Alfalfa feels ashamed of her, so she turns her attentions to Waldo, the new rich kid whose father is an oil tycoon...
Writers: Penelope Spheeris, Robert Wolterstorff
Cast: Travis Tedford
Kevin Jamal Woods
Jordan Warkol
Zachary Mabry
Ross Bagley
(as Ross Elliot Bagley)
Courtland Mead
Sam Saletta
Blake Jeremy Collins
Blake McIver Ewing
Juliette Brewer
Mary Ann
Heather Karasek
Brittany Ashton Holmes
Bug Hall
Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, but this summer, they'll all be rascals.
Release Date: 5 August 1994
Filming Locations: 1000 Block Figueroa Terrace, Los Angeles, California, USA
Gross: $51,764,950
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
Although the cast of characters mostly reflects the 1937-39 incarnation of the gang, notable exceptions include: Stymie (1930-35), Froggie (1940-44, who actually replaced Alfalfa as Spanky's sidekick), Uh-huh (1933), and Miss Crabtree (1930-32).
Crew or equipment visible:
In the scene where Darla and Waldo catch Alfalfa getting out of the pool at Waldo's mansion, there are several shots of the dog barking at Alfalfa. Behind the dog is a piece of the miniature mansion set used in that scene.
[about Spanky and Alfalfa's friendship]
You're a team, like Bert and Ernie, Superman and Clark Kent, Milli and Vanilli.
User Review
Ah, good times
I've always loved this movie. I first encountered it when I was in 4th
grade. We would almost always watch this or Alladin during our school
parties. I am now almost 19 years old here in 2004 and I gotta watch this
movie once in a while to recapture the good ol' days of my childhood. This
movie is indeed really cute and good for the whole family. I remember my
cousin borrowed it from me and I did not get it back for nearly three years
because she loved the movie to death. I am just glad to see that some of
kids have somewhat of a career after this.
I was wondering what happened to Darla, Alfalfa and the gang. It's hard to
believe that most of the Rascals are now high schoolers and growing up. As I
write this review, I have an urge to watch the movie again.
10/10...loved it as a kid and as a young adult, I still love