In Tokyo, a young woman (Tamblyn) is exposed to the same mysterious curse that afflicted her sister (Gellar). The supernatural force, which fills a person with rage before spreading to its next victim, brings together a group of previously unrelated people who attempt to unlock its secret to save their lives.
Release Year: 2006
Rating: 4.7/10 (21,018 voted)
Critic's Score: 33/100
Takashi Shimizu
Stars: Amber Tamblyn, Edison Chen, Arielle Kebbel
Storyline In Pasadena, Mrs. Davis sends her daughter Aubrey Davis to Tokyo to bring her sister Karen Davis, who is interned in a hospital after surviving a fire, back to the USA. After their meeting, Karen dies and Aubrey decides to investigate what happened to her and gets herself trapped in the same situation, being chased by the ghost of the house. Meanwhile in Tokyo, the three high school mates Allison, Vanessa and Miyuki visit the famous haunted house and are also chased by the ghost. In Chicago, Trish moves to the apartment of her boyfriend Bill, who lives with his children, the teenager Lacey and boy Jake. On the next door, weird things happen with their neighbor.
Writers: Stephen Susco, Takashi Shimizu
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Amber Tamblyn
Arielle Kebbel
Takako Fuji
Edison Chen
Sarah Roemer
Matthew Knight
Misako Uno
Teresa Palmer
Ohga Tanaka
(as Oga Tanaka)
Yuya Ozeki
Jennifer Beals
Christopher Cousins
Zen Kajihara
Folklore Guy
Takashi Matsuyama
What Began With One....Will End With Many.
Opening Weekend: $20,825,300
(15 October 2006)
(3211 Screens)
Gross: $39,143,839
(12 November 2006)
Technical Specs
(Unrated Director's Cut)
Did You Know?
Director Takashi Shimizu went to Los Angeles to meet with producers Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi in a small office at Columbia Pictures. The purpose was to develop a story outline for the sequel's first draft, which also involved employees from Tapert and Raimi's production company Ghost House Pictures, producer Taka Ichise, and writer Stephen Susco. According to Tapert, the session was roughly seven or eight hours of people suggesting ideas for the story.
Factual errors:
When Aubrey goes into the dark room and picks up the picture, the picture should be black. It was in the developer last. It would have had to go into the stop bath to stop developing, and then the fixer to not go black when it was exposed to real light.
Quotes: Allison:
[referring to the grudge]
They followed me here!
User Review
Rating: 6/10
Being a huge fan of the original Ju-On movies, as well as the original
American remake, I was looking forward to this one. But my excitement
dwindled right from the opening scene, as The Grudge 2 quickly became a
predictable and mundane sequel. A typical American-ized sequel that
sadly didn't follow the unique plot of Ju-On 2.
After Sarah Michelle Gellar's cameo, the movie focuses on her sister,
but gives her nothing to do. What seems like a totally separate
storyline inside an apartment building is more distracting than
involving. The scares become very routine and there are so many
characters here, that the viewer cannot become attached to any of them.
The movie does, however, kick it up in the final twenty minutes or so.
And the ending is a lot darker and much more mean spirited than the
original, and for that, it has to earn some points for not taking the
safe way out.
The Grudge 2 is not a complete loss, but it could have been so much