Set in 1898, this movie is based on the true story of two lions in Africa that killed 130 people over a nine month period...
Release Year: 1996
Rating: 6.7/10 (25,425 voted)
Stephen Hopkins
Stars: Michael Douglas, Val Kilmer, Tom Wilkinson
Storyline Set in 1898, this movie is based on the true story of two lions in Africa that killed 130 people over a nine month period, while a bridge engineer and an experienced old hunter tried to kill them.
Cast: Michael Douglas
Charles Remington
Val Kilmer
Col. John Henry Patterson
Tom Wilkinson
Robert Beaumont
John Kani
Bernard Hill
Dr. David Hawthorne
Brian McCardie
Angus Starling
Emily Mortimer
Helena Patterson
Om Puri
Henry Cele
Kurt Egelhof
Indian Victim
Satchu Annamalai
Worker #1
Teddy Reddy
Worker #2
Raheem Khan
Worker #3
(as Rakeem Khan)
Jack Devnarain
Nervous Sikh Orderly
Glen Gabela
Orderly #1
Only the most incredible parts are true.
Filming Locations: Songimvelo Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Box Office Details
Budget: $55,000,000
Opening Weekend: $9,215,063
(13 October 1996)
(2142 Screens)
Gross: $75,000,000
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
In the early '90s, when Brian De Palma was chosen to direct the film, Kevin Costner was going to star as Patterson. However when
The Bonfire of the Vanities proved to be a box office disaster the studio withdrew their offer to De Palma and Costner went on to do
The Bodyguard.
The visibility of Kareem's earlobe under his turban when Remington has a gun to his head.
Quotes: Charles Remington:
Well, I'm a very considerate man. My mother taught me that.
[Samuel laughs]
Charles Remington:
Now, what the hell you laughing about? You don't think I'm considerate? Samuel:
I don't believe you had a mother.
User Review
Something You Can Sink Your Teeth Into
Rating: 10/10
I always found this to be an outstanding based-on a true story
adventure film which holds your interest throughout. It features some
great suspense and the story is fascinating. It's always been ranked
among my top 50 movies. A good surround system doesn't hurt here,
Stan Winston, one of the best special-effects men in the business, lent
his talents to this film while Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas are more
than adequate in the starring roles and the African with the freckles
(sorry, I don't have his name) is really a likeble fellow.
Except for the first one, the lion attack scenes are not gruesome and
the filmmakers did a nice job a having just the right amount of action
and lulls. Neither is overdone. This film has never been given much due
but I've never shown it to anyone who didn't thoroughly enjoy it.
This movie scared me so much I stopped hunting lions. It's just not fun