A documentary that follows the early career of basketball star Dirk Nowitzki, his relationship with coach and mentor Holger Geschwindner, and their path to NBA glory.
THE PERFECT SHOT covers the story of Nowitzki's rise to the peaks of fame starting off at one of Germany's regional basketball leagues. It's the story of the fascinating relationship with Holger Geschwindner, his discoverer, coach and mentor. The physicist recognized young Dirk Nowitzki's talent early on and, with a mix of ambitious daring and scientific precision, led him all the way to the top. It is a Film about Dirk Nowitzki and Holger Geschwindner: how they became who they are. It is about the unique relationship between the cosmopolitan mentor and his timid student, who made it to where his teacher had previously only dreamed of: the NBA Championship.
Cast: Kobe Bryant -
Rick Carlisle -
Mark Cuban -
Michael Finley -
Holger Geschwindner -
Jason Kidd -
Steve Nash -
Don Nelson -
Donnie Nelson -
Dirk Nowitzki -
Helga Nowitzki -
Jessica Nowitzki -
Jörg Nowitzki -
Silke Nowitzki -
George Raveling -
Greetings again from the darkness. Dallas loves Dirk. The reasons why
become obvious during this biopic that takes us from Dirk's youth
basketball league in Germany through his NBA Finals, while including
significantly more information on his family and personal life than we
have previously seen. Interviews come courtesy of such well known faces
as Kobe Bryant, Don Nelson, Michael Finley, Mark Cuban, Yao Ming, Jason
Kidd and former NBA commissioner David Stern.
Contrary to many sports documentaries, this is no shrine to its
subject. Of course, we can't help but be charmed by the "great guy"
superstar, but it's through his life challenges that we come to truly
respect Dirk as a man. Director Sebastian Denhardt is one of the most
prolific documentarians and filmmakers in Germany, but this look at
Germany's most popular and successful athlete is his best and most
accessible work to date.
The most interesting segments involve Dirk's long time personal coach
Holger Geschwindner, plus insight from Dirk's father, mother, sister,
and childhood friend. It's during these times that we realize Dirk's
"posse" is made of the people who he has always trusted family and
friends. The only two newcomers to his group of "insiders" are Lisa
Tyner and Dirk's wife Jessica. Ms. Tyner is the Mavericks staffer who
took Dirk under her wing when he was a youngster transitioning to life
in the United States.
While the film drills home the importance of Dirk's work ethic and
commitment to excellence, the most entertaining moments include: Dirk's
first meeting with Steve Nash, Dirk as a stick figure on Holger's
software, Dirk in a tennis skirt (for Halloween), Dirk dominating on
the court as a teenager, Dirk's mother discussing his move to the U.S.,
and best of all, Dirk stretching the truth a bit while meeting with
former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and then admitting it!
These days, disappointment seems to be the most common reaction when
the curtain gets pulled back on celebrities and heroes. It's refreshing
to look into the life and see that the biggest scandals were when Dirk
was the one cheated by a former girlfriend, and he stood by in full
support of a friend going through an investigation for tax evasion.
Dirk shows he is as impressive as a human being as he is a basketball
player. What he definitely isn't? A singer we re-live his "We are the
Champions" rendition from the parade. Dirk rocks!