Storyline Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro). They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.
Cast: Noriko Hidaka
Chika Sakamoto
Sumi Shimamoto
Yasuko Kusakabe
Tanie Kitabayashi
Kanta no obâsan
Yûko Maruyama
Kanta no okâsan
Machiko Washio
Reiko Suzuki
Frank Welker
(voice: English version)
Tim Daly
Professor Kusakabe
(voice: English version)
(as Timothy Daly)
Chie Kôjiro
(as Chie Koujiro)
Hitoshi Takagi
Shigesato Itoi
Tatsuo Kusakabe
Yûko Mizutani
Akiko Hiramatsu
Release Date: 16 April 1988
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
King Totoro is the mascot for Hayao Miyazaki's studio, Studio Ghibli.
The color of the umbrella handle that Kanta offers Satsuki changes.
Quotes: Tatsuo Kusakabe:
Trees and people used to be good friends. I saw that tree and decided to buy the house. Hope Mom likes it too. Okay, let's pay our respects then get home for lunch.
User Review
This is a great film!
Rating: 10/10
Someone said that Studio Ghibli, the makers of Totoro, Spirited Away
and other films, is Japan's answer to Disney. Nothing could be more
wrong. Studio Ghibli is as far away from Disney as one could possibly
imagine. There is no compulsory villain, no moral lessons, no standard
blue print story, and the characters will definitely not break out in a
song. Thank God! It's simply a great film for all ages. Don't mind if
the soundtrack isn't dubbed to your native language, my kids (4 and 6
years old) could easily follow the story with just a few helpers.
Japanese is a wonderful language.
The film has great direction, beautiful backgrounds and a mystical,
pleasant aura throughout. There's nothing like this, I promise you.
It's idyllic and simple.