In an ancient world where monsters rule the land while humans keep to their own kingdom, a baby monster, Wuba, is born to a human father and monster queen. When mortals and creatures alike set out to capture the newborn, Wuba's adventure begins. The cute baby monster Huba is the child of a human man and a monster queen, threatened by both monster-hating humans and monsters attempting to capture ... See full summary »
Release Year: 2015
Rating: 6.2/10 (1,626 voted)
Critic's Score: /100
Director: Raman Hui
Stars: Baihe Bai, Boran Jing, Wu Jiang
In an ancient world where monsters rule the land while humans keep to their own kingdom, a baby monster, Wuba, is born to a human father and monster queen. When mortals and creatures alike set out to capture the newborn, Wuba's adventure begins. The cute baby monster Huba is the child of a human man and a monster queen, threatened by both monster-hating humans and monsters attempting to capture the new-born in an ancient world based on medieval China.
Writers: Alan Yuen, Alan Yuen
Cast: Baihe Bai -
Huo Xiaolan
Boran Jing -
Song Tianyin
Wu Jiang -
Luo Gang
Elaine Jin -
Wallace Chung -
Ge Qianhu
Eric Tsang -
Sandra Kwan Yue Ng -
Wei Tang -
Pawn Shop Owner
Chen Yao -
Female Head Chef
Ni Yan -
Luo Ying
Jianfeng Bao -
Zheng Tao
Yuexin Wang -
Xiao Wu
Xiaodong Guo -
Tianyin's Father
Jingjing Li -
Mama Li
Cindy Tian -
Monster girl
(as Yucheng Tian)
The monsters just got bigger
Country: China, Hong Kong
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 22 January 2016
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
It's an original story written by Alan Yuen. See more »
User Review
Rating: 7/10
Chinese animation has been through a rough time, it missed the mark so
many times when used to create epic legend. However, it seems that the
eccentric animation just found its niche with the blend of humor, drama
and action fantasy that is Monster Hunt. It shockingly deals with a few
eerie themes yet presented in family friendly light humorous way,
almost like MIB in ancient China.
In a world where monster and human live in inharmonious way, an
ordinary man finds himself in a struggle between the monster kingdom
and human hunters. It opens up with typical fantasy troupe, then
escalates with good comedic tone as well as healthy dose of martial art
stunts. The cast works fine, especially with famous names as supporting
characters or cameos, some of them are added for comedy relief.
The tone might feel awkward, it's often playful but then it displays
incredibly creepy prejudice against the monster, even down to eating
and torturing them. Granted, some of them look like radish or salad,
although the abrupt change of pace can be startling. There are
definitely some odd twists here. Fortunately enough, the core drama is
light humor, with endearing family value thrown into the mix. It mostly
deals with platonic funny theme, and fans of Chinese cinema should find
the humor familiar.
For a movie that uses animation and action choreography at the same
time, Monster Hunt looks amazing, especially in the second half with
gorgeous setting. It's one of the best animations Chinese has produced,
it's much smoother than the rest and these silly designs are well
integrated into the world. The feel of uncanny valley actually works in
their favor since the monsters only partially resemble human yet they
look harmless enough to be friendly.
Monster Hunt has all the elements of Chinese fantasy movie, the visual
effect and also the soundtracks enhance the flamboyantly cheesy
premise. It's a well-produced action comedy and definitely a crowd