Maria Francisca, a wealthy young heiress and her friend Mariana De Castro, a young protestant widow, are accused of witchcraft and taken before the Inquisition.
Release Year: 2011
Rating: 6.0/10 (9 voted)
Jac Avila
Stars: Amy Hesketh, Mila Joya, Roberto Lopez
Storyline Maria Francisca, a wealthy young heiress and her friend Mariana De Castro, a young protestant widow, are accused of witchcraft and taken before the Inquisition. Maleficarum is the story of Francisca, a wealthy orphan and Mariana, her widowed protestant friend, who live surrounded by a town in which they are the center of hostile gossip. Francisco Verdugo, the Inquisitor, has his own ambitions. He has his greedy eyes on the orphan heiress's properties, but he needs a pretext. A confrontation in the street among a group of girls gives him the perfect excuse to arrest Mariana and Francisca and enchain them in the horror chambers of the Inquisition, leading them to a frightful end as they are convicted of witchcraft.
Cast: Amy Hesketh
Mariana De Castro
Mila Joya
Francisca de la Cruz
Roberto Lopez
Fr. Francisco Verdugo
Alejandro Loayza
Capellan Rodrigo de Palomares
Eric Calancha
Erik Antoine
Su Excelencia
Maria Esther Arteaga
Omar Aldayuz
Gina Alcon
Mayor de Luna
Vanessa Calvimontes
Isabel Petrona
Barbara Dorado
Maria de las Nieves
Massiel Dorado
Luisa de Castellón
Ariel Enriquez
Tomás de la Puente Bearne
Sergio Fernandez
Tomás de Araujo
Andrea Galvarro
A story of the horrors of the Inquisition.
Release Date: 3 Jan 2011
Filming Locations: La Paz, Bolivia
Box Office Details
Budget: $105,000
Technical Specs
User Review
Review of Maleficarum (2011)
Warning: This is a brutal film that definitely will not appeal to
everyone. It involves extensive female nudity and torture and falls
into the "church torture of heretics" genre.
Now that you know what to expect in general:
The technical quality of the cinematography, and the authenticity of
the sets and costumes gives this film a definite sense of "big budget
theatrical release," which is completely unexpected for a film in this
genre, particularly one made on a stated budget of only $105,000.
Despite falling into the "torture" genre, the film does not rush into
those scenes, but takes the time necessary to set up its story and
characters, and does so with a calm that very much contrasts with later
events. For a time, in fact, the head of the church, the women's main
accuser, truly appears interested in saving their souls, rather than in
taking their money. While it is obvious immediately that things will
not go well for Lady Francisca (Mila) when she does not agree to the
church's request for a large monetary donation, the background music
remains soothing, rather than ominous, throughout the film, thereby
contrasting what is happening in most of the scenes over which it is
played. Even the opening questioning of the two women is understated,
although Lady Mariana (Amy) gradually becomes more terrified as it
becomes apparent that the charges against her are far more serious than
her mere involvement in the minor altercation that had led to the
appearance of the two ladies before the inquisitor tribunal.
The juxtaposition throughout the film of the scenes in which the head
inquisitor calmly questions the many witnesses against the women with
the scenes of Mariana and Francisca being brought to the dungeon,
stripped, chained to the wall and subject to a variety of tortures was
masterful, effectively presenting the unimaginable tension, terror and
pain that lay just beneath the facade of a calm search for the truth.
The dungeon set, as expected, presents a sense of absolute doom and
dread, with its hard, cold stone walls and dim flickering lights. The
ways in which the director, Jac Avila, chains and stretches the two
women make it obvious that he knows how to create, consistently, scenes
that are visually appealing and exciting to the viewer, while, at the
same time, magnifying the horror facing his subjects. The two lead
actresses, Mila and Jane, are absolutely beautiful in their extended
whipping scenes, during which both show proper reaction as their
tortures harshen. Jane's whipping scene is particularly brutal, since
she is forced to hang by her chained wrists with her feet off the
ground, her body swinging with each lash, a position that, on its own,
certainly must have caused great pain to her shoulders. Nor are there
any weak flicks of the wrist from their torturer, but full arm motion
with every blow. Whatever filming techniques may have been used, it is
impossible to believe that Jane and Mila were not subject to some real
pain during the filming of these whipping scenes.
Mila and Jane are also stunningly filmed in their respective scenes on
the rack, the beauty of their stretched and sweating bodies, backs
arched off the rack's table, enhanced by the varying camera angles,
particularly the shots from the overhead camera. There is no bend in
their wrists or knees, which are shown chafed and bleeding as the ropes
securing them dig deeply. While the viewer does not expect that the
women are actually being stretched to their absolute limit, it is
certainly easy to believe that they are, which, after all, is the goal
of good filmmaking.
Repeatedly in the middle of the torture scenes, the men from the church
enter, calmly ask whether the tortured women are ready to talk, and
then, just as calmly leave to allow the tortures to continue when the
women refuse to respond. Unlike the majority of the film's viewers,
these church men are not excited by the torture of naked women, but
simply want their confessions and the transfer of their wealth to them.
That they are such cold pitiless men adds to the terror of the women's
Other of the torture scenes are out of the norm even for films in this
genre, and are also done excellently, but no more can be said about
them without pushing the "spoiler" content of this review too far.
As much as I enjoyed the film, I do have several criticisms: (1) While
Amy is an excellent actress, Mila does not yet have the training or
experience to match Amy, but this criticism relates only to Mila's
delivery of her dialog, as she gives an excellent performance in her
reactions to her tortures. (2) I would have preferred that Francisca
and Mariana not have been subject to the same tortures (for example,
the same whipping and rack tortures), particularly not one after the
other, during the first half of the film, and I also would have
preferred a torture to Francisca other than a repeat whipping after her
sentencing. (3) I don't know why Mariana's clothes were put back on
before she was taken outside, only to be immediately removed again.
Nakedness indoors has a degree of privacy, while nakedness outdoors
exposes one, at least figuratively, to the whole world. So leaving
Mariana naked when she was moved outdoors would have, I think, more
realistically and more strongly conveyed the sense of increased
psychological exposure that the film apparently sought. (4) The ending,
which I can't reveal for "spoiler" reasons. I have several thoughts as
to why the particular ending was chosen, but, even if my suspicions are
correct, there are several other possible endings that I would have
All things considered, an excellent film for those who like films of
this genre. But definitely not for the weak of heart.