A teenage orphan spends ten years traveling cross-country experiencing life, love and heartbreak. Based on E.L. Doctorow's story, "Jolene: A Life."
Storyline A teenage orphan spends ten years traveling cross-country experiencing life, love and heartbreak. Based on E.L. Doctorow's story, "Jolene: A Life."
Writers: Dennis Yares, E.L. Doctorow
Cast: Jessica Chastain
Frances Fisher
Rupert Friend
Coco Leger
Dermot Mulroney
Uncle Phil
Zeb Newman
Chazz Palminteri
Denise Richards
Theresa Russell
Aunt Kay
Michael Vartan
Shannon Whirry
Drea Pruseau
Mickey Cottrell
Dr. Bloomberg
Mary Jane Johnson
Mrs. Ames
Bri Acsani
Suicide Girl
Julie Sledge
Girl in Hospital
When Jolene is working as a server at the outdoor banquet, she carries a tray with two Champagne glasses. One glass is full and one empty. The very next cut, she places the tray on a table, and both glasses are empty.
User Review
Jolene shines at the Seattle Film Fest
Rating: 9/10
Of all the films I saw at the 2008 Seattle International Film Fest,
"Jolene" is the one that stayed with me. Jessica Chastain gives a multi
layered, complex, superlative performance as the title character. A
girl drifting through her life looking for love in all the wrong
places. The film stays away from sentimental payoffs giving it a very
distinctive tone. Are we suppose to sympathize with Jolene? Dan
Ireland, the director, leaves that to us in another honest and
wonderful tale of longing and hope. From Rene Zellwegger in "The Whole
Wide World" to Joan Plowright in "Mrs Palfrey At The Claremont" Dan
Ireland has shown a remarkable flair to bring out the best on his
female characters and more. Frances Fisher gives an Academy Award
worthy performance in a part so far away from anything I've ever seen
her do that it took me a while to realize it was her. Michael Vartan,
Dermot Mulroney, Chazz Palmintieri and in particular Rupert Friend give
vivid, powerful performances. "Jolene" is unique in a year of sequels
and TV adaptations. I can't wait to see it again. Congratulations Mr.
Ireland and thank you for your passionated and coherent commitment to
the independent soul.