Storyline This is the true story of Ritchie Valens, a young rock & roll singer who tragically died in a plane crash at the age of 17. The film follows Ritchie from his days in Pacoima, California where he and his family make a meager living working on farms to his rise as a star. The film also focuses on Richie's friendship and rivalry with his older brother Bob and his relationship with Donna, his girlfriend.
Cast: Lou Diamond Phillips
Ritchie Valens
Esai Morales
Bob Morales
Rosanna DeSoto
Connie Valenzuela
(as Rosana De Soto)
Elizabeth Peña
Rosie Morales
Danielle von Zerneck
Donna Ludwig
Joe Pantoliano
Bob Keane
Rick Dees
Ted Quillin
Marshall Crenshaw
Buddy Holly
Howard Huntsberry
Jackie Wilson
Brian Setzer
Eddie Cochran
Daniel Valdez
Felipe Cantu
Eddie Frias
Mike Moroff
Mexican Ed
Geoffrey Rivas
Born to poverty. Destined for stardom. He Lived the American Dream.
Release Date: 24 July 1987
Filming Locations: Cowboy Palace Saloon - 21635 Devonshire St, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California, USA
Box Office Details
Budget: $6,500,000
Opening Weekend: $5,651,990
(24 July 1987)
Gross: $54,215,416
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
According to Lou Diamond Phillips in the VH1 documentary "Behind The Music: The Day The Music Died" (1990), Ritchie Valens' sister was on the set the day they filmed the "coin toss" scene where Ritchie wins (or rather, loses) the chance to fly on the plane with Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper. As the scenes were being shot, Ritchie's sister began to weep uncontrollably and when Phillips tried to console her, she hugged him and sobbed, "Why Ritchie? Why did you get on the plane?"
Factual errors:
There was never a "love triangle" between Ritchie, Bob, and Rosie. This was actually based on a situation the director, Luis Valdez and a brother of his.
Quotes: Ritchie Valens:
My mom reckons I'm going to be a star. And stars don't fall from the sky.
User Review
A terrific film about the importance of family and realizing your dreams.
Rating: 9/10
La Bamba which stars Lou Diamond Phillips as tragic 50's rocker Ritchie
Valens(real name Richard Valenzuela) is my favorite rock bio film. The film
covers the Mexican American Valens' rise from poverty in California to
becoming a rock n roll superstar at the young age of 17 only to lose it all
within 8 months on the "Day the Music Died".
In addition to focusing on Valens' music career, writer/director Luis
Valdez spends time showing the tense relationship between Ritchie and his
older brother Bob who is played excellently by Esai Morales. As Ritchie
becomes famous Bob begins to resent him and that provides the film with some
of its most powerful and heartbreaking scenes.
The film's other effective moments come between Ritchie and his girlfriend
Donna. During their scenes together I felt that Valdez did a good job in
showing what teenage romances must've been like back in the more innocent
1950's and how parents prejudices could interfere.
Last but not least is the film's great soundtrack. Ritchie Valens songs
were redone for the film by the group Los Lobos. All of the instrumental
music was provided by Carlos Santana and Miles Goodman. Also included are
many other classic songs from the 50's.
The only small criticism I have of the film is that Valdez spends too much
time in foreshadowing Valens' fate through dream sequences and references to
his fear of flying. While it is documented that Ritchie did have a fear of
flying I would imagine that he didn't talk about it as frequently as he does
in the film.
Overall I think that La Bamba is a film about sticking to your dreams and
the importance of family. I give this film a pretty strong recommendation.
You don't even necessarily have to be a fan of 50's music to enjoy it. This
is for those who enjoy small films that deal with the triumphs and struggles
of everyday people.